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Month: April 2024

Un análisis de ADN reveló los patrones sexuales y matrimoniales de un imperio antiguo

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — El ADN antiguo está desvelando más secretos sobre los ávaros, un pueblo temible que construyó un misterioso imperio que gobernó gran parte de Europa Central y Oriental durante 250 años a partir de mediados del siglo VI. Conocidos principalmente por los relatos de sus adversarios, los ávaros desconcertaron a los bizantinos con

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How fronts drive storms

In the past, we’ve gone over some of the basic elements needed to create and drive thunderstorm development. Some of those ingredients include energy in the environment known as CAPE ( Convective Available, Potential, Energy), moisture to create the clouds and rain, and even shear ( changing of wind direction and speed over different heights).

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Guatemala expulsa a más de 7.900 extranjeros por ingreso irregular; la mayoría son venezolanos

Belén Liotti (CNN Español) — 7.912 extranjeros han sido expulsados de Guatemala por el lugar donde ingresaron de forma irregular, tras ser “localizados durante operativos”, de acuerdo con un comunicado del Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración. Las estadísticas corresponden del 1 de enero al 16 de abril de este año. Las nacionalidades con más extranjeros rechazados

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Fact check: Trump falsely claims police turned away ‘thousands’ from Manhattan courthouse and that supporters ‘can’t get near’

By Daniel Dale and Kate Sullivan, CNN Washington (CNN) — Former President Donald Trump is a famed exaggerator of the size of his crowds. For years, he has lied about how many supporters attended his presidential inauguration and numerous campaign rallies. Now he’s pushing a wildly inaccurate claim about how many supporters have attempted to show up

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A grand jury declined to indict a Texas man 2 years ago in the killing of a 9-year-old. He’s now been indicted for murder

By Rebekah Riess and Christina Maxouris, CNN (CNN) — A 33-year-old Texas man was indicted Tuesday on a murder charge in the February 2022 killing of 9-year-old Arlene Alvarez – nearly two years after another grand jury had declined to indict him in connection with the child’s fatal shooting. Tony Earls Jr. was released after

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Sanders launches Senate investigation into ‘outrageously high’ pricing of Ozempic, Wegovy

By Tami Luhby and Katherine Dillinger, CNN (CNN) — Sen. Bernie Sanders is taking aim at the high prices of the blockbuster drugs Ozempic and Wegovy. The Vermont senator, an independent who has long called out drug manufacturers for their costly products, is launching an investigation into the “outrageously high prices” Novo Nordisk charges for the

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Biden pardons 11 people and shortens the sentences of 5 others convicted of non-violent drug crimes

By DARLENE SUPERVILLE Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has granted clemency to 16 people who were convicted of non-violent drug crimes. Biden used his clemency powers under the Constitution to issue pardons to 11 men and women. The Democratic president shortened the sentences of five others. Biden says he acted because April

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