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Month: April 2024

Canadian authorities have seized 598 stolen vehicles at Montreal port

MONTREAL (AP) — Canadian authorities say they prevented nearly 600 stolen vehicles from being exported overseas after searching 390 shipping containers at the Port of Montreal. Around three-quarters of the 598 seized vehicles, with an estimated value of $34.5 million Canadian (US$25.5 million), were stolen in the neighboring province of Ontario.  Ontario Provincial Police deputy

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An orca calf stranded in a Canadian lagoon will be airlifted out to reunite with pod, rescuers say

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — Plans are underway by to airlift a stranded killer whale calf out of a remote tidal lagoon off northern Vancouver Island in an effort to reunite the young orca with its extended family, Canadian authorities said Wednesday. Canadian Fisheries Department and First Nations officials said the plan involves placing the

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Idaho lawmakers pass bills targeting LGBTQ+ citizens. Protesters toss paper hearts in protest

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho lawmakers have passed a series of bills targeting LGBTQ+ residents this year, including two this week that redefine gender as being synonymous with sex and prevent public employees from being required to use someone’s preferred pronouns. KTVB-TV reports that in response, protesters on Tuesday sent more than 48,000 colorful paper

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Congreso de Colombia archivó proyecto de reforma a la salud y Gobierno anunció intervención de otra Entidad Prestadora de Salud

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN Español) — El Senado de Colombia archivó en comisiones la iniciativa gubernamental de reforma al sistema público de salud. Tras dos debates en la Cámara de Representantes en los que el Gobierno había logrado los votos suficientes para avanzar en el proyecto, nueve senadores votaron este miércoles en contra de la ponencia

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A Biden y a la Casa Blanca les sigue costando entablar un diálogo sobre Gaza con líderes musulmanes y árabes estadounidenses

Alexandra Ferguson Washington (CNN) — Una polémica reunión en la Casa Blanca el martes fue la última señal de advertencia al presidente Joe Biden, su Gobierno y su campaña de partes clave de la coalición que lo eligió en 2020. Biden recibió a varios líderes musulmanes en la Casa Blanca para discutir sobre Gaza. La

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NYC’s AI chatbot was caught telling businesses to break the law. The city isn’t taking it down

By JAKE OFFENHARTZ Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — An artificial intelligence-powered chatbot meant to help small business owners in New York City has come under fire for dispensing bizarre advice that misstates local policies and advises companies to violate the law. Mayor Eric Adams acknowledged Tuesday that its answers were “wrong in some areas,”

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Mexican cartel not only forced vendors to buy chicken at inflated prices, they sold them bad birds

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A Mexican drug cartel not only forced vendors to buy chicken at wildly inflated prices — they sold them chicken “not fit for human consumption.” Prosecutors in the State of Mexico concluded a months-long investigation this week that found the hyper-violent Familia Michoacana cartel had been forcing small stores and market

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On April 3

Passenger, flight attendant injured during severe turbulence on Southwest flight

By Jamiel Lynch, CNN (CNN) — Two people were injured when a Southwest Airlines flight encountered severe turbulence on Wednesday morning and had to make an emergency landing in Tampa, Florida, according to a spokesperson for Tampa International Airport. Southwest Flight 4273 was traveling from New Orleans to Orlando when the captain declared an emergency after

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El hambre en Haití se extiende en medio de la violencia de las pandillas, advierten trabajadores humanitarios

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — Cada vez más personas pasan hambre en Haití, advierten con creciente urgencia trabajadores humanitarios, médicos y misioneros, mientras la nación caribeña lucha por encontrar una salida al estancamiento político y a una epidemia de violencia mortal de pandillas. Un misionero estadounidense cuya organización entrega alimentos y agua a los

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ANÁLISIS | Tan lejos, tan cerca: las coincidencias de López Obrador y Milei en su forma de relacionarse con la prensa

Gonzalo Zegarra (CNN Español) –– En medio de las críticas que el presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei, y su par de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, intercambiaron la semana pasada, los dos coincidieron en lanzar ataques a la prensa, un rasgo que comparten en su estilo de comunicación, aunque se consideren en antípodas ideológicas. AMLO

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