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Month: April 2024

Spain court calls on fugitive Catalan secessionist Carles Puigdemont to testify in terrorism probe

MADRID (AP) — Spain’s Supreme Court has called on fugitive former Catalonia President and separatist chief Carles Puigdemont to testify as a defendant in a terrorism investigation over protests linked to the region’s failed 2017 independence referendum. The court said Monday that Puigdemont, a European Parliament lawmaker, and Catalan regional lawmaker Rubén Wagensberg have been summoned to

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South Carolina’s three titles in seven years speak volumes of Dawn Staley’s remarkable tenure as coach

By Ben Morse and Sarah Sidner, CNN (CNN) — Caitlin Clark’s last dance in the NCAA dominated conversation ahead of Sunday’s women’s national championship game. Could the Iowa star cap off her historic time in college basketball with the final and so-far elusive accolade: a national title? But standing in the way of the unstoppable

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Kimberly Palmer: What college students need to know about payment apps

By KIMBERLY PALMER of NerdWallet Peer-to-peer payment apps make sending money to friends easier than ever for college students, but the convenience can leave them vulnerable to errors, fraud and overspending. Financial experts suggest guarding against scammers by being wary of payment requests and carefully checking all recipients. They also recommend strengthening privacy settings on

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La cirugía de afirmación de género amenaza la “dignidad única” de una persona, dice el Vaticano

Sofía Barruti (CNN) —  El Vaticano emitió una fuerte advertencia contra la “teoría de género” y dijo que cualquier cirugía de afirmación de género corre el riesgo de amenazar “la dignidad única” de una persona, en un nuevo documento firmado y aprobado por el papa Francisco. Titulada “Dignitas Inifinita” (Dignidad infinita), la declaración se centra

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The US Army will hold combat training in the Philippines to hone skills as maritime tensions rise

BY JIM GOMEZ Associated Press MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The U.S. Army is introducing a joint battlefield training in the Philippines to improve combat readiness including by ensuring adequate supply of ammunition and other needs in difficult conditions in tropical jungles and on scattered islands. Maj. Gen. Marcus Evans, commanding general of the U.S. Army’s

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