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Month: March 2024

El rey Carlos asiste a un servicio religioso de Pascua, su aparición pública más significativa desde que le diagnosticaron cáncer

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — El rey Carlos III hace su aparición pública más importante desde que se le diagnosticó cáncer el mes pasado, al asistir al tradicional servicio religioso de maitines de Pascua en Windsor el domingo. Carlos, de 75 años, parecía estar de buen humor cuando llegó en coche a la capilla de

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Japan confirms experts met in China to ease concerns over discharge of treated radioactive water

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press TOKYO (AP) — Japan said Sunday its experts have held talks with their Chinese counterparts to try to assuage Beijing’s concerns over the discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the sea. The discharges have been opposed by fishing groups and neighboring countries

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Gmail revolutionized email 20 years ago. People thought it was Google’s April Fools’ Day joke

By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Technology Writer SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin loved pulling pranks, so much so they began rolling outlandish ideas every April Fools’ Day not long after starting their company more than a quarter century ago. he jokes were so consistently over-the-top that people learned to laugh

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Thousands rally in India’s capital as opposition bloc and Prime Minister Modi launch their campaigns

NEW DELHI (AP) — Thousands of people have attended a rally by an alliance of India’s opposition parties that criticized the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi of stifling opponents and undermining democracy ahead of a national election next month. The “Save Democracy” rally in New Delhi on Sunday is the first major show of strength by

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Pope overcomes health concerns to preside over Easter Mass and appeal for peace in Gaza and Ukraine

By NICOLE WINFIELD Associated Press ROME (AP) — Pope Francis rallied from a winter-long bout of respiratory problems to lead some 60,000 people in Easter celebrations Sunday, making a strong appeal for a cease-fire in Gaza and a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine. Francis presided over Easter Sunday Mass in a flower-decked St. Peter’s

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Romania and Bulgaria partially join Europe’s Schengen travel zone, but checks at land borders remain

By STEPHEN McGRATH and VESELIN TOSHKOV Associated Press SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) — Romania and Bulgaria partially joined Europe’s Schengen ID-check-free travel zone, marking a new step in the two countries’ integration with the European Union. After years of negotiations on joining the Schengen area, it was announced Sunday there would be free access for travelers

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Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Visibilidad Transgénero. Esto es lo que debes saber

olivertapia (CNN) — Hoy, las personas transgénero y no binarias de todo el mundo conmemoran el Día Internacional de la Visibilidad Transgénero. Esto es lo que debes saber. ¿Cómo comenzó? El Día de la Visibilidad Transgénero fue fundado en 2009 por Rachel Crandall, una activista transgénero con sede en Michigan y directora ejecutiva de Transgender

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