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Month: March 2024

Los miembros del consejo de transición de Haití están ultimando su formación

Gonzalo Jimenez (CNN) — Los miembros del consejo presidencial de transición de Haití emitieron su primera declaración el miércoles diciendo que están ultimando un documento sobre la formación oficial del consejo. La declaración decía que una vez que se forme un consejo presidencial, éste “designará un primer ministro, con quien constituirá un Gobierno de unidad

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Gangs netting up to $3 trillion a year as Southeast Asia human trafficking becomes a global crisis, Interpol says

By Kathleen Magramo, CNN (CNN) — Human trafficking-fueled fraud is exploding in Southeast Asia with organized crime rings raking in close to $3 trillion in illicit revenue annually, the head of Interpol has said in comments that reveal the huge profits being earned by cartels. One international organized crime group makes $50 billion a year,

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Japan recalls ‘red rice’ health products over suspected link to five deaths

By Himari Semans and Chris Lau, CNN Tokyo (CNN) — Japanese authorities have ordered three “red rice” dietary supplements to be pulled from store shelves nationwide as five users died and more than 100 others were hospitalized, sparking a health scare in the country and across the region. Osaka-based Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, the company behind the products,

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Top Chinese official says green, high tech development key as nation seeks to spur economy

By TIAN MACLEOD JI Associated Press BOAO, China (AP) — A top Communist Party official says China is committed to introducing reforms that will upgrade the technological level of its largely manufacturing-based economy.  and generate huge revenues from green technologies that would drive around $1.4 trillion in annual revenues. Zhao Leiji, who heads China’s rubberstamp

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Un muerto y cuatro heridos tras nuevo amotinamiento de reclusos en una cárcel de Ecuador

Gonzalo Jimenez (CNN Español) — Al menos una persona murió tras los incidentes violentos se registraron en el Centro de Rehabilitación Social No.4 conocido como la Cárcel Regional de Guayaquil, informó a CNN el Servicio de Atención a Personas Privadas de la Libertad de Ecuador (SNAI). El viceministro de Seguridad, Lyonel Calderón, en una entrevista a

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La actriz Rebel Wilson espera difundir un “mensaje positivo” al compartir que perdió la virginidad después de los 30 años

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Rebel Wilson espera ayudar a los jóvenes a sentirse empoderados cuando se trata de sexo e intimidad al revelar que perdió su virginidad a los 35 años. “No todo el mundo tiene que perder la virginidad siendo adolescente”, dijo Wilson a la revista People en una entrevista publicada este miércoles

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China’s latest EV is a ‘connected’ car from smart phone and electronics maker Xiaomi

By KEN MORITSUGU Associated Press BEIJING (AP) — Chinese smart consumer electronics maker Xiaomi is joining China’s booming but crowded market for electric cars with a sporty high-tech sedan. The tech company began accepting orders in China on Thursday night. Founder Lei Jun wrapped up a presentation on the car by announcing the much-awaited price

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A fight to protect the dignity of Michelangelo’s David raises questions about freedom of expression

By COLLEEN BARRY Associated Press FLORENCE, Italy (AP) — Michelangelo’s David has been a towering figure in Italian culture since its completion in 1504. But in the current era of the quick buck, curators worry the marble statue’s religious and political significance is being diminished by the thousands of refrigerator magnets and other souvenirs sold

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Maryland governor says ‘long road ahead’ after Baltimore bridge collapse

By Elizabeth Wolfe, Aditi Sangal, Tori B. Powell, Holly Yan, Chris Boyette, Greg Wallace and Elise Hammond, CNN (CNN) — Maryland officials are moving at “full speed” on several priorities after a 984-foot-long cargo ship struck and collapsed Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge, including reopening the shipping channel and restarting traffic through the Port of

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