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Month: March 2024

Celene Jandreau made the front page of the LA Times when she was born. Now she is turning 100.

Aptos woman turns 100-years-old

By Ricardo Tovar Click here for updates on this story     APTOS, California (KSBW) — Here at KSBW, we are wishing a happy belated birthday to Celene Jandreau. She turned 100 years old Friday and has spent the last quarter of that living in Santa Cruz County. Celene made the front page of the LA Times

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South Carolina to hold 2024 congressional elections with map previously ruled unconstitutional

By MEG KINNARD Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A federal court has ruled that congressional elections in South Carolina will be held under a map that it had previously deemed unconstitutional and discriminatory against Black voters. A panel of three federal judges from the state on Thursday called it “plainly impractical” to make changes

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House Speaker Mike Johnson will send Mayorkas impeachment to the Senate next month

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Mike Johnson will send articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate shortly after Congress returns to Washington next month. The Republican speaker said Thursday he would send the two articles on April 10. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to swear in senators as jurors

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AMLO “abraza” a Petro y ataca a Milei: “No comprendo cómo los argentinos votaron por alguien que desprecia al pueblo”

macamilarincon (CNN Español) –– La respuesta del presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, al mandatario argentino, Javier Milei, luego de que este lo llamara “ignorante” en una entrevista con CNN en Español no tardó en llegar. A falta de su conferencia de prensa matutina habitual, López Obrador recurrió a publicar en su cuenta de

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George Washington family secrets revealed by DNA from unmarked 19th century graves

By Mindy Weisberger, CNN (CNN) — Genetic analysis has shed light on a long-standing mystery surrounding the fates of President George Washington’s younger brother Samuel and his kin. Two of Samuel’s descendants and their mother were recently identified from skeletal remains found in unmarked burials dating back to the 1880s. The investigation also provided the first

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Louisville medical nonprofit

Louisville medical nonprofit partners with an African government to help save mother’s lives

By Alexis Mathews Click here for updates on this story     LOUISVILLE, Kentucky (WLKY) — Maternal mortality is a devastating crisis affecting mothers and babies in the United States and around the world. To save lives in Africa, a government official partnered with a Louisville medical nonprofit. SOS International’s efforts, locally and globally, are producing lifesaving

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Greenville man accused of having child abuse files on his computer, AG says

By Stephanie Moore Click here for updates on this story     GREENVILLE, South Carolina (WYFF) — A Greenville man has been arrested after authorities said they found child sexual abuse files on his computer. John Joseph Varn, 32, is facing five charges connected to the sexual exploitation of minors, the attorney general’s office announced Wednesday. Investigators

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A potent planet-warming gas is seeping out of US landfills at rates higher than previously thought, scientists say

By Rachel Ramirez, CNN (CNN) — Garbage piling up in landfills isn’t just an eyesore, it’s also a climate nightmare, belching out large amounts of planet-warming methane gas. In the United States, the problem could be much worse than previously thought, according to a new study measuring methane pollution at hundreds of landfills across the

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Contraloría de Perú investiga declaraciones de bienes y rentas de Boluarte en relación con el caso de los Rolex

Paulina Nares (CNN Español) — El Contralor General de Perú, Nelson Shack, informó este miércoles en una sesión ante el Congreso de Perú que el organismo comenzó la semana pasada la evaluación de las declaraciones juradas de bienes y rentas de la presidenta Dina Boluarte. Shack detalló que Boluarte ejerció varios cargos públicos previos a

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