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Month: March 2024

Ataques de los hutíes en el mar Rojo ocasionan por primera vez muertos en la tripulación de un barco comercial, según funcionarios estadounidenses

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — Un ataque con misiles balísticos hutíes contra un barco comercial en el golfo de Adén causó al menos dos muertes entre los miembros de la tripulación, dijeron a CNN dos funcionarios estadounidenses. Se trata de la primera vez que el grupo militante respaldado por Irán mata a alguien como

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Microsoft engineer sounds alarm on AI image-generator to US officials and company’s board

By MATT O’BRIEN AP Technology Writer A Microsoft engineer is sounding alarms about offensive and harmful imagery he says is too easily made by the company’s artificial intelligence image-generator tool, sending letters on Wednesday to U.S. regulators and the tech giant’s board of directors urging them to take action. Shane Jones told The Associated Press

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Texas man charged with offering to get charges against George Santos dropped and evidence ‘disappeared’

By Hannah Rabinowitz and Holmes Lybrand, CNN (CNN) — A Texas man who allegedly told George Santos that he could get evidence against the former congressman “disappeared” for nearly $1 million was arrested on Wednesday and charged with fraud. Federal prosecutors accuse Hector Medina of telling the former congressman that they could strike a “deal”

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‘Rust’ armorer convicted of involuntary manslaughter in fatal shooting by Alec Baldwin on movie set

By MORGAN LEE Associated Press SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — A jury convicted a movie weapons supervisor of involuntary manslaughter Wednesday in the fatal shooting of a cinematographer by actor Alec Baldwin during a rehearsal on the set of the Western movie “Rust.” The verdict against movie armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed assigned new blame in the

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Qué es el Pacto de Mayo de Milei y por qué es una gran apuesta del Gobierno

Sofía Benavides (CNN Español) — “Un nuevo contrato social”. Así definió el presidente de Argentina, Javier Milei, al Pacto de Mayo. Convocó a gobernadores, expresidentes y líderes de partidos políticos a firmar un consenso de 10 puntos que, según el jefe de Estado, establecerían “los principios del nuevo orden económico argentino”. Puede sonar fácil, pero

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