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Month: March 2024

Volunteers uncover fate of thousands of Lost Alaskans sent to Oregon mental hospital a century ago

By MARK THIESSEN Associated Press ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Lucy Pitka McCormick’s relatives cooked salmon, moose, beaver and muskrat over an earthen firepit on the banks of the Chena River, just outside Fairbanks, as they honored her life. They whipped whitefish, blueberries and lard into a traditional Alaska Native dessert, and dolloped servings onto a

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Europa está en una “era de preguerra”, advierte el primer ministro polaco, señalando la amenaza que representa Rusia

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — El primer ministro polaco, Donald Tusk, advirtió que Europa se encuentra en una “era de preguerra”, pero aún le queda un “largo camino por recorrer” antes de estar preparada para hacer frente a la amenaza que representa Rusia. “La guerra ya no es un concepto del pasado. Es real, y

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Israel’s high court says the government must stop funding seminaries. Could that topple Netanyahu?

By JULIA FRANKEL Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Supreme Court ruling curtailing subsidies for ultra-Orthodox men has rattled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition and raised questions about its viability as the country presses on with the war in Gaza. Netanyahu has until Monday to present the court with a plan to dismantle what

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Trasladan a 7 personas a un hospital de Nueva York para observación tras “turbulencias fuertes” en un vuelo de United Airlines

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Siete personas fueron trasladadas a un hospital de Nueva York para observación luego de que un vuelo de United Airlines experimentara fuertes turbulencias el viernes por la noche, según un jefe local del Servicio de Emergencias Médicas. El vuelo, que viajaba de Tel Aviv al aeropuerto internacional Newark Liberty de

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Uranium is being mined near the Grand Canyon as prices soar and the US pushes for more nuclear power

By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN Associated Press The largest uranium producer in the United States is ramping up work just south of Grand Canyon National Park on a long-contested project that largely has sat dormant since the 1980s. The work is unfolding as global instability and growing demand drive uranium prices higher. The Biden administration and

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Uranium is being mined near the Grand Canyon as prices soar and the US pushes for more nuclear power

By SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN Associated Press The largest uranium producer in the United States is ramping up work just south of Grand Canyon National Park on a long-contested project that largely has sat dormant since the 1980s. The work is unfolding as global instability and growing demand drive uranium prices higher. The Biden administration and

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Investigan la muerte de ocho personas encontradas en la costa de Oaxaca, en el sur de México

Mauricio Torres (CNN Español) — Los cuerpos de ocho personas fueron localizados este viernes en las costas de Oaxaca, en el sur de México, informó la Fiscalía General del estado a través de un comunicado. La institución agregó que los datos preliminares indican que los fallecidos eran migrantes. La Fiscalía detalló que el hallazgo —reportado primero

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