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Month: February 2024

Meteorologists urge Southern Californians to prepare for very dangerous flood potential from new storm

By Aya Elamroussi and Taylor Ward, CNN (CNN) — A second and more powerful atmospheric river-fueled storm is set to bring potentially life-threatening flooding to Southern California from Sunday into next week after an earlier storm already unleashed record rainfall in some parts of the region. The second atmospheric river set to hit California within

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China pledges more help for its ailing property market, as IMF forecasts economy will slow

By ELAINE KURTENBACH AP Business Writer BANGKOK (AP) — Chinese markets have retreated despite a fresh flurry of measures to help prop up the ailing property sector. Shanghai’s Composite index dropped 1.5% after dipping sharply lower earlier in the afternoon. The retreat came after the International Monetary Fund forecast that China’s economy will expand at

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Seven detained in Turkey for allegedly selling information to Israel’s Mossad spy agency

ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkey’s state-run news agency says police have arrested seven people on suspicion of selling information to the Israeli intelligence service Mossad. The suspects, who allegedly passed details to Mossad via private detectives, were detained in a joint operation with Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization on Friday. The Anadolu news agency says police anti-terror

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Es posible que estés comiendo alimentos predigeridos sin saberlo. Este es el porqué

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — ¿Por qué muchas personas comen en exceso patatas fritas, cereales, pasteles, pudines y otros alimentos ultraprocesados a pesar de saber que esos alimentos pueden no ser saludables? Según la ciencia emergente, puede deberse a procesos de fabricación que “predigieren” los ingredientes de los alimentos crudos, creando alimentos ultraprocesados que evitan

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Un misil hutí estuvo a segundos de impactar contra un buque de guerra estadounidense. La Armada utilizó su ‘última línea de defensa’

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — La destrucción de un misil hutí por parte de un buque de guerra estadounidense en el mar Rojo esta semana marca la primera vez que se utiliza en este conflicto un avanzado sistema de armas apodado la “última línea de defensa” de la Armada. El destructor de la Armada USS

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Half of US adults say Israel has gone too far in war in Gaza, AP-NORC poll shows

By ELLEN KNICKMEYER and LINLEY SANDERS Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Half of U.S. adults say Israel’s 15-week-old military campaign in Gaza has “gone too far,” a finding driven mainly by growing disapproval among Republicans and political independents, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. Broadly, the poll

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Haley insists she’s staying in the GOP race. Here’s how that could cause problems for Trump

By STEVE PEOPLES and JAMES POLLARD Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — For months, the underdog in the presidential primary refused to concede defeat. He fought hard in state after state, even as the front-runner amassed a delegate advantage that would be virtually impossible to overcome. The extended feud between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton

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