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Month: February 2024

At least 28 killed in strike on Russian-occupied town in eastern Ukraine

By Maria Kostenko and Alex Stambaugh, CNN (CNN) — At least 28 have been killed in an attack on a building in the town of Lysychansk in the Russian-occupied region of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine, the region’s Moscow-installed head said Sunday. In a statement on Telegram, the head of self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic Leonid Pasechnik said emergency services

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Los influencers del bienestar alimentaron la desinformación sobre la pandemia. Ahora tienen otra gran conspiración en la mira

Sofía Barruti (CNN) — Cuando un incendio forestal arrasó Maui en Hawaii en agosto pasado, el impacto fue devastador: una ciudad entera reducida a cenizas y más de 100 vidas perdidas. El infierno fue descrito como el “mayor desastre natural en la historia del estado”. Pero algunos en Instagram sugirieron, sin pruebas, que había algo

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Wellness influencers fueled pandemic misinformation. Now they’re targeting another crisis

By Laura Paddison, CNN (CNN) — When wildfire ripped through Hawaii’s Maui last August, the impact was devastating: a whole town reduced to ashes, more than 100 lives lost. The inferno was described as the “largest natural disaster in state history.” But some on Instagram suggested, without evidence, there was something much more nefarious at

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Trabajador de finanzas paga US$ 25 millones después de una videollamada con un ‘director financiero’ falso

Sofía Barruti (CNN) —  Un trabajador financiero de una empresa multinacional fue engañado para que pagara US$ 25 millones de dólares a estafadores que utilizaban tecnología deepfake para hacerse pasar por el director financiero de la empresa en una videoconferencia, según la policía de Hong Kong. En la elaborada estafa, el trabajador fue engañado para

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Debt-laden Sri Lanka marks Independence Day with Thai prime minister as guest of honor

By BHARATHA MALLAWARACHI Associated Press COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Thai Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin is the guest of honor at Sri Lanka’s 76th Independence Day celebrations. Sretta joined Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe on Sunday at a low-key ceremony near the country’s main seaside esplanade that involved a military parade and parachute jumps. The

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Shelling kills at least 28 at bakery in Russian-occupied Ukraine, Moscow-installed officials say

By The Associated Press Ukrainian shelling killed at least 28 people at a bakery in the Russian-occupied city of Lysychansk, Moscow-installed officials said. At least one child was among the dead Saturday, local leader Leonid Pasechnik wrote in a statement on Telegram. A further 10 people were rescued from under the rubble by emergency services,

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Los soldados de Ucrania ‘en modo de defensa profunda’ mientras persiste la incertidumbre sobre el comandante en jefe

Sofía Barruti (CNN) —  Mientras la Oficina del Presidente permanecía indecisa un día más sobre si el comandante en jefe de Ucrania estaba o no sin trabajo, uno de los hombres propuestos para reemplazarlo dio una evaluación breve pero clara de la situación que enfrentan los soldados en el frente. Oleksandr Syrskyi, que visitaba tropas

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Newspaper heiress Patty Hearst was kidnapped 50 years ago. Now she’s famous for her dogs

By STEFANIE DAZIO Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — Newspaper heiress Patricia “Patty” Hearst was kidnapped at gunpoint 50 years ago Sunday by the Symbionese Liberation Army, later joining her captors in a 1974 San Francisco bank robbery that earned her a prison sentence. The abduction and subsequent trial of Hearst, then a 19-year-old college

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