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Month: January 2024

Por qué para las personas con depresión cosas cotidianas como levantarse de la cama, bañarse y comer pueden ser una lucha

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN Español) — La depresión puede dejarte por fuera del normal transcurrir de tu vida cotidiana en cualquier momento. Y si piensas que solo se trata de tristeza profunda que se mejora teniendo “actitud positiva”, debes saber que muchas personas pueden verse afectadas en su día a día por cuenta de esta

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Iowans weigh Trump’s legal woes as they decide who to back in caucuses

By Arit John, CNN Ames, Iowa (CNN) — Teresa Garman has attended decades worth of Iowa caucuses, but views Monday’s meeting as the most consequential. Despite forecasts predicting negative temperatures, the 86-year-old Ames resident said the cold wouldn’t deter her from showing up to back Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – even if she doesn’t think he’ll beat former President

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Pakistan effectively shuts the key crossing into Afghanistan to truck drivers

By RAHIM FAIEZ Associated Press ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Taliban says Pakistan has effectively closed a key northwestern border crossing with Afghanistan to truck drivers. Pakistani authorities began requesting passports and visas from Afghan drivers, according to a Taliban official. Truckers have for years been able to pass the border without documents so they generally

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Indonesia’s president visits Vietnam’s EV maker Vinfast and says conditions ready for a car plant

By HAU DINH and ANIRUDDHA GHOSAL Associated Press HANOI, Vietnam (AP) — Indonesian President Joko Widodo has visited Vietnamese automaker VinFast’s factory and said that he would create the necessary conditions for the multinational to be able to build a plant and invest in Indonesia quickly. On a trip to the sprawling factory in the

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South Africa’s ruling party marks its 112th anniversary ahead of a tough election year

By MOGOMOTSI MAGOME Associated Press JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South Africa’s ruling African National Congress party will celebrate Saturday the 112th anniversary of its establishment ahead of national elections, expected to be the toughest since it came to power in 1994. Thousands of supporters are expected to convene at Mbombela Stadium in the Mpumalanga province where

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El video de una multitud haciendo el saludo fascista en el corazón de Roma sacude a Italia, pero no a su primera ministra, Giorgia Meloni

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Un video viral que muestra a más de 150 hombres vestidos de negro y levantando el brazo derecho para hacer un saludo fascista en el centro de Roma ha causado revuelo en todas partes menos en el despacho de la primera ministra italiana, Giorgia Meloni. El suceso, ahora investigado por

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Tormentas feroces, amenazas de inundaciones y frío ártico: EE.UU. se enfrenta a un duro fin de semana

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Una mezcla de vientos, nieve y lluvia que azotó el centro y el este de Estados Unidos el viernes continuará el sábado con fuertes lluvias —que potencialmente pueden generar inundaciones costeras peligrosas— en el noreste y el Atlántico medio, condiciones de tormenta de nieve por la situación en el Medio

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Prison. Bankruptcy. Suicide. How a software glitch and a centuries-old British company ruined lives

By Anna Cooban, CNN London (CNN) — After a piece of software incorrectly showed that money had gone missing, a trusted, centuries-old British government corporation used its financial and legal might to convict and bankrupt hundreds of people who ran its branches. Some family members say their loved-ones were left so distressed they took their

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Kashmir residents suffer through a dry winter waiting for snow. Experts point to climate change

By AIJAZ HUSSAIN Associated Press SRINAGAR, India (AP) — A prolonged dry spell is sweeping across the Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir during the harshest phase of winter, leaving many people sick and farmers worried about impending water shortages. Daytime temperatures have been high­ for about a month now, while nights continue to be freezing and

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