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Month: January 2024

Laura Sarabia, exjefa de gabinete del presidente Gustavo Petro, acude a interrogatorio en la Fiscalía de Colombia

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN Español) — Laura Sarabia, la exjefa de gabinete del presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, se presentó este jueves en la Fiscalía para atender a un interrogatorio, pero antes de entrar a la cita leyó un comunicado en compañía de sus abogados, en el que reiteró que no había ordenado ni tuvo

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After Taiwan’s election, its new envoy to the US offers assurances to Washington and Beijing

By DIDI TANG Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Taiwan’s top diplomat in Washington has a message for both the island’s Chinese adversaries and its American friends: Don’t worry that Taiwan’s new president-elect will worsen relations with Beijing and possibly draw the U.S. into a conflict. Alexander Tah-Ray Yui spoke to The Associated Press on Thursday

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South Korea calls on divided UN council ‘to break the silence’ on North Korea’s tests and threats

By EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) — South Korea is calling on the divided U.N. Security Council “to break the silence” over North Korea’s escalating missile tests and threats. The council has imposed 10 sanctions in total that have sought unsuccessfully to curb North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. But Russia

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‘Can we sleep at night?’: Renowned tech journalist explains why he pulled his newsletter publication from X and Substack

By Oliver Darcy, CNN (CNN) — Casey Newton won’t compromise on Nazis. In a world in which it can be difficult to read the moral compass of some legacy news organizations, the renowned technology journalist and founder of the independent digital news outlet Platformer has taken decisive action to ensure his media company lives up to its own stated

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Nearly 30 years later, family of slain California college student sues school for wrongful death

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (AP) — The family of a California college student who vanished nearly three decades ago has sued the school, alleging it caused Kristin Smart’s murder through negligence. The suit filed Thursday contends that California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo could have prevented Smart’s death if it had properly dealt

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Funcionarios del Gobierno de Joe Biden recibirán a delegación mexicana para discutir los desafíos migratorios

Valeria Ordóñez Ghio (CNN) — Altos funcionarios del Gobierno de Joe Biden recibirán a sus homólogos mexicanos el viernes para discutir los desafíos migratorios en la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos. La reunión ministerial se produce en un momento en que los legisladores estadounidenses siguen estancados en el tema de la seguridad fronteriza, lo

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Federal judge won’t shut down Michigan attorney general’s case against 2020 fake electors

By Marshall Cohen, CNN (CNN) — A federal judge on Thursday declined to shut down Michigan’s state-level prosecution of pro-Trump fake electors who tried to subvert the 2020 election. One of the fake electors charged in the case, Clifford Frost, had argued that the federal judge needed to intervene because the case was politically tainted and brought

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Compró un departamento en España y comenzó una nueva vida fuera de Estados Unidos “sin mirar atrás”

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Mudarse a una soleada ciudad mediterránea en España no siempre significa llevar un estilo de vida más relajado, aunque las siestas son una ventaja. Dar el salto también puede llevarte a realizar tus sueños en un lugar que te encanta. Basta con preguntarle a Matthew Coe. Este abogado inmobiliario y corporativo

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