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Month: January 2024

Legisladores franceses debaten un histórico proyecto de ley sobre el derecho al aborto

Karen Esquivel (CNN) – Este miércoles comenzaron las discusiones en la Asamblea Nacional francesa para debatir un proyecto de ley sobre la consagración del derecho al aborto en la Constitución francesa, que cuenta con un fuerte respaldo del gobierno de Macron. “El proyecto de ley para consagrar este derecho en nuestra Constitución se presentará a

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Former Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich running for a House seat again, this time as an independent

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (AP) — Former Ohio congressman and two-time Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is running for Congress again, this time as an independent. The 77-year-old Kucinich, a former Cleveland mayor who was consistently rated as one of the most liberal House members, announced Wednesday that he is seeking the 7th District seat now held

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Hungary’s Orban backs Sweden’s NATO bid, potentially removing last hurdle to accession

By Christian Edwards, Catherine Nicholls and James Frater, CNN (CNN) — Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban told NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg that his government supports Sweden’s membership bid, potentially removing the final hurdle to accession after months of fraught negotiations. “I reaffirmed that the Hungarian government supports the NATO membership of Sweden,” Orban wrote Wednesday

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¿Quién fue Kenneth Smith y por qué le aplicaron la pena de muerte en Alabama, Estados Unidos?

urielblanco (CNN Español) — Alabama ejecutó este jueves a Kenneth Smith, condenado a muerte por un asesinato en 1988, con el método de hipoxia de nitrógeno. Esta es la primera vez en Estados Unidos que una ejecución se realiza con el procedimiento de gas nitrógeno. Ejecutan a Kenneth Smith en Alabama, el primero en morir por gas nitrógeno

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Myanmar’s army denies that generals were sentenced to death for surrendering key city to insurgents

By GRANT PECK Associated Press BANGKOK (AP) — Myanmar’s military government is denying reports that it sentenced six army generals to death or life imprisonment for their surrender of a regional military command headquarters to an alliance of ethnic armed groups. The fall of Laukkaing near the border with China was the biggest defeat suffered

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Sri Lanka passes bill allowing government to remove online posts and legally pursue internet users

By BHARATHA MALLAWARACHI Associated Press COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) — Sri Lanka’s parliament has overwhelmingly approved an internet regulation bill being criticized as a move to stifle speech in an election year. The bill would allow the government to set up a commission with a wide range of powers, which includes ordering people and internet

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