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Month: December 2023

Republican candidates talk faith and freedom, avoid criticizing one another at Iowa forum

By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN Sioux Center, Iowa (CNN) — Four Republican presidential candidates stuck to speaking about their faith and their families during a Saturday forum in western Iowa – a stark contrast from Wednesday’s contentious fourth GOP debate, when they spent much of the evening attacking one another. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former UN

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Creían que era una planta, pero resultó ser una tortuga: así es “Turtwig”, la antigua especie hallada en Colombia y bautizada en honor a Pokémon

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Antiguos fósiles vegetales que desconcertaban a los científicos han resultado no ser plantas después de todo, según revela una nueva investigación. En su lugar, estas pequeñas formas redondeadas eran caparazones de tortugas bebé que vivieron en la época de los dinosaurios. Los científicos han bautizado a esta especie de tortuga

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‘It’s lending on steroids’: How Buy Now, Pay Later companies are meeting an influx of demand despite higher costs

By Elisabeth Buchwald, CNN New York (CNN) — In good economic times and bad, people’s self-control to spend within their means on gifts during the holiday season flies out the window. For decades, credit cards bore the brunt of compulsive holiday spending habits. But increasingly, they’re sharing the spotlight with Buy Now, Pay Later companies.

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ANÁLISIS | El primer ministro del Reino Unido eligió dar una pelea sobre inmigración que probablemente no podrá ganar

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — El primer ministro británico, Rishi Sunak, tiene un problema grave. Mientras su gobernante Partido Conservador se prepara para entrar en lo que probablemente será un año electoral en 2024, languidece semana tras semana por detrás del opositor Partido Laborista en las encuestas. Los conservadores están en el poder desde 2010,

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La primera “Bachelorette” y su esposo celebran 20 años de matrimonio. Ha sido “desafiante”, dicen

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Trista Sutter, la primera “Bachelorette”, y su marido Ryan Sutter celebraron 20 años de matrimonio. La pareja, que se prometió en la serie y luego se casó en un especial televisado, es una de las pocas historias de éxito matrimonial de la franquicia. Ryan Sutter celebró su aniversario en Instagram,

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Could the most magical time of year be so full of loneliness, anger and stress?

By Dr. Neha Chaudhary, CNN (CNN) — Editor’s note: Dr. Neha Chaudhary is a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and chief medical officer at Modern Health. As the holiday season approaches, many conjure up images of the perfect gathering: comforting aromas of home-cooked feasts, harmonious laughter between

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New US aid for Ukraine by year-end seems increasingly out of reach as GOP ties it to border security

By STEPHEN GROVES and LISA MASCARO Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — A deal to provide further U.S. assistance to Ukraine by year-end appears to be increasingly out of reach for President Joe Biden. The impasse is deepening in Congress despite dire warnings from the White House about the consequences of inaction as Republicans insist on

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Polish truck drivers are blocking the border with Ukraine. It’s hurting on the battlefield

By HANNA ARHIROVA, KARL RITTER and MONIKA SCISLOWSKA Associated Press KORCZOWA, Poland (AP) — Pickup trucks and tourniquets bound for Ukraine’s battlefield are among items stuck in a mileslong line at the border with Poland. Components to build drones to fight off Russian forces are facing weeks of delays. Ukrainian charities and companies supplying the

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