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Month: November 2023

Man killed, 1-year-old boy suffers fatal injuries in Montana shooting, suspects identified

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Law enforcement officers in Montana’s largest city say a man was shot to death and a 1-year-old boy suffered fatal injuries after gunfire was sprayed into a residence. Several suspects have been identified as the investigation continues. Billings Police Chief Rich St. John says neighbors reported the occupants of a pickup

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Minnesota appeals court protects felon voting rights after finding a lower court judge overstepped

A Minnesota appeals court has stepped in to protect voting rights recently granted to felons under a new law. A judge last month declared unconstitutional the new state law restoring voting rights for convicted felons after they complete any prison term. The Minnesota Court of Appeals on Thursday ruled that the lower court judge overstepped

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Cirugías sin anestesia y pacientes hacinados: los hospitales de Gaza están desbordados en medio de ataques israelíes y escasez de combustible

Alexandra Ferguson Nota del editor: esta historia contiene descripciones explícitas de la situación dentro de los hospitales en Gaza. (CNN) — En el hospital Al-Shifa, el centro médico más grande de Gaza, una mujer aturdida y somnolienta permanece sentada en el suelo mientras su pierna sangra. Un hombre más joven yace tendido sobre baldosas manchadas

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US warns Israel amid Gaza carnage it doesn’t have long before support erodes

By Kevin Liptak, MJ Lee, Natasha Bertrand, Priscilla Alvarez and Jennifer Hansler, CNN Washington (CNN) — President Joe Biden and his top advisers are warning Israel with growing force that it will become increasingly difficult for it to pursue its military goals in Gaza as global outcry intensifies about the scale of humanitarian suffering there. Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken – who departed

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Takeaways from the tense testimony of Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. in the New York fraud case

By Jeremy Herb, Lauren del Valle and Kara Scannell, CNN New York (CNN) — The New York Attorney General’s office pressed Donald Trump’s two adult sons Thursday about their knowledge of and involvement with the former president’s financial statements in some of the most significant and tense days of the fraud trial. The back-to-back appearances Thursday

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El planeta se calienta más rápido de lo previsto, dice el científico que alertó sobre el cambio climático en la década de 1980

urielblanco (CNN) — El planeta va en camino a calentarse a un ritmo mucho más rápido de lo que los científicos habían pronosticado, lo que significa que en esta década se podría superar un umbral clave de calentamiento global, según un nuevo estudio del que es coautor James Hansen, el científico estadounidense ampliamente acreditado por

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White House calls on Fox News to apologize after top host’s ‘sickening’ Islamophobic rant

Analysis by Oliver Darcy, CNN (CNN) — Fox News is showing its true colors, yet again. The right-wing television network has remained entirely silent amid fierce backlash stemming from Islamophobic comments made on its top-rated show, “The Five,” by one of its top hosts, Jesse Watters. In an astonishing and ugly rant, Watters on Wednesday said that he was fed up

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GOP infighting gets personal as Greene and Santos lob insults at fellow Republicans

By Melanie Zanona, CNN Republican infighting turned nasty on Thursday after the House voted to reject a pair of divisive disciplinary measures the day before – a sign the conference is still badly divided, despite Speaker Mike Johnson insisting earlier that the party is unified. GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia has been continually bashing her Republican colleagues who opposed

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Explosión de gas y colapso de un edificio en Wappingers Falls, Nueva York, deja al menos 15 heridos, algunos en estado crítico

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — Al menos 15 personas resultaron heridas este jueves luego de una explosión de gas y un incendio en el pueblo de Wappingers Falls, Nueva York. Cinco de los heridos forman parte de los equipos de emergencia –un bombero y cuatro agentes de policía– y de las otras 10, ocho son adultos

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