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Month: November 2023

US employers pulled back on hiring in October, adding 150,000 jobs in face of higher borrowing rates

By PAUL WISEMAN and ANNE D’INNOCENZIO AP Economics Writers WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s employers slowed their hiring in October, adding a modest but still decent 150,000 jobs, a sign that the labor market may be cooling but remains resilient despite high interest rates that have made borrowing much costlier for companies and consumers. Last

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Ivanka Trump

Court denies Ivanka Trump’s bid to pause testimony after she claimed ‘undue hardship’ if made to appear during school week

CNN, POOL, WABC, GETTY IMAGES, CHRISTINE CORNELL, THE WHITE HOUSE By Jeremy Herb, CNN (CNN) — A higher court on Thursday denied Ivanka Trump’s request to postpone her upcoming testimony in her father’s civil fraud trial, shortly after she claimed she’d suffer “undue hardship” if forced to appear during a school week. “Ms. Trump, who

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Inteligencia de EE.UU. sugiere que Bashar al Assad acordó enviar a Hezbollah un sistema antimisiles ruso a través del grupo Wagner

Sofía Benavides (CNN) — Estados Unidos tiene información de inteligencia de que el presidente de Siria, Bashar al-Assad, acordó proporcionar al grupo libanés Hezbollah un sistema de defensa antimisiles de fabricación rusa, según dos personas familiarizadas con la inteligencia. Al grupo mercanario Wagner, que opera en Siria, se le encargó la tarea de realizar la

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Misogyny, hairdryers and foul-mouthed tirades: What we learned from Britain’s Covid-19 inquiry this week

Analysis by Rob Picheta, CNN London (CNN) — Britain’s haphazard response to the coronavirus pandemic has been thrown under further scrutiny at an inquiry this week, after a series of senior figures described disorganization, chaos and vitriol at the heart of Boris Johnson’s government. Johnson’s leadership was eviscerated by a number of his most important

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Death of a player from a skate to the neck reignites hockey’s stubborn debate over protective gear

By STEPHEN WHYNO and PAT GRAHAM AP Sports Writers It took the NHL until 1979 to mandate helmets and goalie masks for new players. It wasn’t until 2013 that eye-protecting visors became mandatory — grandfathered in for veterans, of course. A handful of players still don’t wear them. Broken jaws, smashed noses and concussions haven’t

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Wildfire in mountainous Central Oahu moves away from towns as Hawaii firefighters continue battle

HONOLULU (AP) — Authorities in Hawaii say a wildfire that has burned forestlands in a remote mountainous area of Central Oahu has moved eastward and away from population centers as firefighters continue to battle it. The flames aren’t threatening homes or property, and no evacuations have been ordered. But they have scorched some native koa

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Japanese consumers are eating more local fish in spite of China’s ban due to Fukushima wastewater

By MARI YAMAGUCHI Associated Press IWAKI, Japan (AP) — Fishing communities in Fukushima feared devastating damage to their businesses from the tsunami-wrecked nuclear power plant’s ongoing discharge of treated radioactive wastewater into the sea. Instead, they’re seeing increased consumer support as people eat more fish, a movement in part helped by China’s ban on Japanese

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What are the symptoms of bipolar disorder?

CNN By Sandee LaMotte, CNN (CNN) — It used to be called manic depression in an effort to capture the swing of emotions from intense manic highs to the lowest of lows. Today it’s called bipolar disorder, another way to describe a mental illness that has two completely different presentations. Comedian Taylor Tomlinson, host of

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New Zealand’s final election count means incoming premier Christopher Luxon needs broader support

By NICK PERRY Associated Press WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — A final vote count following a general election in New Zealand three weeks ago has changed the political equation for winner Christopher Luxon, whose conservative National Party will now need broader support to govern. An election night count had given the National Party and the

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¿Cómo fue la detención en Ecuador de “Satanás”, supuesto integrante de la megabanda del Tren de Aragua?

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN Español) — Un supuesto integrante de la banda delictiva de origen venezolano del Tren de Aragua ―la mayor de Venezuela, según informes del gobierno de Estados Unidos― fue detenido este jueves en Ecuador, informó la Policía Nacional de ese país. El director de la Dirección Nacional de Investigación de Delitos contra la

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Colombia will try to control invasive hippo population through sterilization, transfer, euthanasia

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — Colombia will try to control its population of more than 100 hippopotamuses, descendants of animals illegally brought to the country by late drug kingpin Pablo Escobar in the 1980s, through surgical sterilization, the transfer of hippos to other countries and possibly euthanasia. The hippos, which spread from Escobar’s estate into nearby

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