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Month: November 2023

Court panel removes Indonesia’s chief justice for ethical breach that benefited president’s son

By FADLAN SYAM and NINIEK KARMINI Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — An ethics council dismissed the chief justice of Indonesia’s top court from the post after finding him guilty of making last-minute changes to election candidacy requirements. The chief of the court’s Honorary Council said Tuesday that Constitutional Court Chief Justice Anwar Usman committed

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Italia y Albania firman un acuerdo para construir centros de detención de inmigrantes en Albania para personas que lleguen en barco a Italia

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — Un memorando de entendimiento firmado por la primera ministra de Italia, Giorgia Meloni, y el primer ministro de Albania, Edi Rama, allana el camino para que Italia construya centros de detención de inmigrantes en Albania en la primavera de 2024, según la conferencia de prensa conjunta que ambos ofrecieron

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Zelensky says safety rules ‘violated’ in Ukrainian military ceremony hit by deadly Russian strike

By Christian Edwards, Daria Tarasova, Maria Kostenko and Mariya Knight, CNN (CNN) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said safety rules had been “violated,” leaving soldiers and civilians exposed to a deadly Russian missile strike on a village in the Zaporizhzhia region, which he described as “a tragedy that could have been avoided.” A Ukrainian military

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Special counsel in the Hunter Biden case insists he was the ‘decision-maker’ in rare testimony

By FARNOUSH AMIRI and LINDSAY WHITEHURST Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — The prosecutor overseeing the Hunter Biden investigation testified Tuesday that he had the ultimate authority in the yearslong case as he made an unprecedented appearance before Congress to rebut Republicans’ explosive claims that the probe has been plagued with interference. U.S. Attorney David Weiss’

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US asks Congo and Rwanda to de-escalate tensions as fighting near their border displaces millions

By EMMANUEL IGUNZA Associated Press NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has urged Rwanda and Congo to de-escalate tensions and withdraw troops from their border following increased fighting that has displaced nearly 7 million people. The State Department said Blinken spoke separately by phone with Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi and Rwandan

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Portugal’s prime minister resigns as his government is involved in a corruption investigation

By HELENA ALVES and JOSEPH WILSON Associated Press LISBON, Portugal (AP) — Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa has resigned while his government is involved in a widespread corruption probe. The announcement has sent a shock wave through the normally tranquil politics of the European Union member. Costa asserted his innocence but said in a nationally

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