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Month: October 2023

Pakistan announces mass deportation of ‘illegal immigrants’ including Afghans

By Sophia Saifi and Jessie Yeung, CNN Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) — Pakistan, home to more than 1.7 million people who have fled violence in neighboring Afghanistan, is launching a mass deportation of “illegal immigrants,” authorities said Tuesday. In a news conference, caretaker Interior Minister Sarfraz Bugti announced a November 1 deadline for those residing in

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Policía de Baltimore confirma cinco heridos en un tiroteo en la Universidad Morgan State

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — Cinco personas recibieron disparos este martes en el campus de la Universidad Morgan State en Baltimore, dijo el comisionado de Policía Richard Worley en una conferencia de prensa nocturna. “Quiero dejar muy claro que todavía estamos investigando y los detalles son muy preliminares en este momento”, dijo Worley. “Cuatro de

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Child care programs just lost thousands of federal dollars. Families and providers scramble to cope

By LEAH WILLINGHAM Associated Press WILLIAMSON, W.Va. (AP) — After two years of receiving federal subsidies, 220,000 child care programs across the country lost funding. Part of the largest investment in child care in U.S. history, the monthly payments ranged from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars. The funding that ended Saturday was meant

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Haitian students play drums and strum guitars to escape hunger and gang violence

By EVENS SANON and DÁNICA COTO Associated Press PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — Woodberson Seïde held his stepsister’s hand as they walked through Haiti ‘s capital on their way to an afterschool music program. They avoided cars, motorcycles, and territory controlled by the gangs whose predation prompted this week’s U.N. Security Council vote for the deployment

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The US warns of a Chinese global disinformation campaign that could undermine peace and stability

By DIDI TANG Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — For much of the world, China’s Xinjiang region is notorious, a place where ethnic Uyghurs face forced labor and arbitrary detention. But a group of visiting foreign journalists was left with a decidedly different impression. On a tour in late September sponsored by Beijing, the 22 journalists

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Pope Francis opens a big Vatican meeting on the church’s future and says ‘everyone’ is welcome

By NICOLE WINFIELD Associated Press VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis said the Catholic Church needed to be rebuilt to make it a place of welcome for “everyone, everyone, everyone,” as he opened a divisive meeting on the future of the church that has sparked hope among progressives and alarm among conservatives. Francis presided over

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Biden administration announces charges, sanctions to crack down on China-based fentanyl traffickers

By Holmes Lybrand and Sean Lyngaas, CNN (CNN) — The Biden administration announced Tuesday multiple indictments in Florida against China-based companies and Chinese nationals for allegedly manufacturing and selling fentanyl and related chemicals. Sanctions against 28 individuals and entities in China and Canada allegedly involved in selling precursor chemicals as well as labs and distributors

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Abinader celebra que el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU haya aprobado el envío de una fuerza multinacional a Haití

Valeria Ordóñez (CNN Español) — El presidente de República Dominicana, Luis Abinader, consideró “un éxito de la diplomacia dominicana” la decisión del Consejo de Seguridad de la Orgnización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) de aprobar el despliegue de una fuerza multinacional para combatir a las bandas criminales en Haití. Abinader celebró la medida y agregó

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