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Month: October 2023

Japan hopes to resolve China’s seafood ban over Fukushima’s wastewater release within WTO’s scope

By EILEEN NG Associated Press KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Japanese Agriculture Minister Ichiro Miyashita says Tokyo hopes to resolve the issue of Chinese ban on its seafood within the World Trade Organization’s scope. Despite repeated assurances, China banned seafood from Japan immediately after the discharge of treated wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

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Biden cancela US$ 9.000 millones en deuda de préstamos estudiantiles días después de que se reanuden los pagos

Gonzalo Jimenez (CNN) — La administración Biden aprobó el alivio de la deuda para otros 125.000 prestatarios de préstamos estudiantiles, por un total de US$ 9.000 millones de condonación, dijo la Casa Blanca este miércoles. El anuncio se produce pocos días después de que se reiniciaran los pagos de préstamos federales para estudiantes después de

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75,000 Kaiser Permanente workers walk off the job. It’s the largest health care worker strike in US history

By Samantha Delouya, CNN (CNN) — On Wednesday, more than 75,000 unionized employees of Kaiser Permanente, one of the nation’s largest not-for-profit health providers, walked off the job, marking the largest health care worker strike in US history. The striking employees, who work across California, Colorado, Washington, Virginia, Oregon and Washington, DC, are represented by

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Point of no return: Pope challenges leaders at UN talks to slow global warming before it’s too late

By NICOLE WINFIELD and SETH BORENSTEIN Associated Press VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Francis is shaming and challenging world leaders to take concrete action to slow climate change before it’s too late. In an update to his landmark 2015 encycyclical, he’s warning that God’s increasingly warming creation is fast reaching a “point of no return.”

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