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Month: October 2023

Lawyers of alleged Andrew Tate’s victims say their clients are being harassed and intimidated

By STEPHEN McGRATH and VADIM GHIRDA Associated Press BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — Lawyers for the alleged abuse victims of Andrew Tate, the divisive social media influencer charged with rape and human trafficking, say that their clients are being subjected to harassment and intimidation by the accused and his followers. The American and British lawyers spoke

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Researchers link popular weight loss drugs to serious digestive problems for ‘hundreds of thousands’ worldwide

By Brenda Goodman, CNN (CNN) — A new study suggests people taking popular injected medications for weight loss, including Wegovy, Ozempic, Saxenda and Victoza, may be at higher risk for serious digestive problems such as stomach paralysis, pancreatitis, and bowel obstructions, compared with those taking other types of weight loss medications. The study found risks

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Victoria Beckham dice que es de “clase obrera”, pero su esposo David no está nada de acuerdo

Aleja Páez (CNN Español) – “Beckham” abre una ventana a la vida y trayectoria del exfutbolista británico David Beckham, además de abordar su historia de amor con Victoria Beckham. Una declaración de la Spice Girl en el primer episodio de la nueva miniserie documental de Netflix ha causado revuelo en internet, sobre todo por la reacción

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Indonesia’s agriculture minister resigns amid a corruption investigation

By NINIEK KARMINI Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia’s agriculture minister has resigned as the country’s anti-graft commission ramps up an investigation into alleged corruption at his ministry. The Corruption Eradication Commission, known as KPK, has alleged that there has been bribery linked to job promotions at the Agriculture Ministry. It also says there

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Georgia Senate to announce investigation of conditions at Fulton County Jail

By Rebekka Schramm Click here for updates on this story     ATLANTA, Georgia (WANF) — Leaders of the Georgia Senate confirmed they’ll announce Thursday the creation of a Senate subcommittee to investigate conditions at the overcrowded Fulton County Jail. Fulton County Sheriff Pat Labat has called the situation a “humanitarian crisis.” and has partially blamed the

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Battery technology in the crashed Venice bus made it less prone to catastrophic fires, experts say

By COLLEEN BARRY and TOM KRISHER Associated Press MILAN (AP) — Italy’s transport minister is questioning the spread of electric vehicle technology following the fiery crash of a fully electric shuttle bus that killed 21 people in mainland Venice. But the battery chemistry used by the Chinese bus maker makes it less prone to catastrophic

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Mecanoscrito original con relatos inéditos de Cortázar, encontrado en una caja de bananos, se remata en US$ 36.000

CNNEE (CNN Español) — Un mecanoscrito original de “Historias de cronopios y de famas”, el icónico libro de relatos del fallecido escritor argentino Julio Cortázar, que incluye siete relatos inéditos, fue subastado en Montevideo en US$ 36.000. Las casas de subastas Zorrilla de Uruguay e Hilario de Argentina, encargadas del remate de la obra, informaron

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