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Month: September 2023

JPMorgan paga US$ 75 millones a las Islas Vírgenes de EE.UU. para resolver una demanda que alega que el banco ayudó al tráfico sexual de Jeffrey Epstein

Juan Pablo Elverdin Nueva York (CNN) — JPMorgan Chase llegó a un acuerdo con las Islas Vírgenes de EE.UU. sobre una demanda en la que se alegaba que el banco facilitó los delitos de tráfico sexual de Jeffrey Epstein. El acuerdo incluye “compromisos significativos” por parte de JPMorgan Chase para reducir la trata de seres

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Jack-in-the-Box employee shoots at customers over missing curly fries: Lawsuit

By Jessica Willey Click here for updates on this story     HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — Just-released video shows a Jack-in-the-Box employee shoot at a drive-thru customer, reportedly during an argument over missing curly fries. According to a lawsuit filed by Houston attorney, Randall Kallinen, Anthony Ramos and his family ordered a combo meal at the restaurant

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India and Canada steer clear, in UN speeches, of their dispute over Sikh separatist leader’s killing

By KRUTIKA PATHI and JENNIFER PELTZ Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Indian and Canadian diplomats didn’t directly address their countries’ row over the killing of a Sikh separatist leader, but they obliquely underscored some key talking points as they addressed world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday. Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said

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US consumer confidence tumbles in September as American anxiety about the future grows

By MATT OTT AP Business Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — The American consumer is feeling less confident this month, particularly about the future, as expectations persist that interest rates will remain elevated for an extended period. The Conference Board, a business research group, said its consumer confidence index fell to 103 in September from 108.7 in

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Ukraine ‘clarifying’ whether Russian commander was killed in strike, after video purportedly shows him alive

By Olga Voitovych, Clare Sebastian, Florence Davey-Attlee and Rob Picheta, CNN (CNN) — Ukraine’s military has said it is “clarifying” information received about the alleged assassination of Russian commander Viktor Sokolov, after Moscow released a video that appears to show him alive and well. Kyiv claimed on Monday it killed Sokolov, the commander of Russia’s

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Descubren en Tailandia una especie de tarántula azul eléctrica

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Según una nueva investigación, se descubrió en Tailandia una especie de tarántula azul eléctrica “hipnotizadora”. Un grupo de investigadores tailandeses encontró la araña durante una expedición a la provincia de Phang-Nga, en el sur de Tailandia, para investigar la diversidad y distribución de las tarántulas en el país. “Encontramos una

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US consumer confidence is the lowest it’s been in four months

By Alicia Wallace, CNN Minneapolis (CNN) — Rising gas prices and high interest rates contributed to greater economic uncertainty and dampened consumer confidence in September, dropping the key economic indicator to the lowest level in four months, according to data released Tuesday. The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index fell for a second consecutive month, dropping

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JPMorgan agrees to pay $75 million to settle lawsuit with US Virgin Islands government over alleged Jeffrey Epstein trafficking ties

By Lauren del Valle, CNN New York (CNN) — JPMorgan Chase has reached a settlement with the US Virgin Islands over a lawsuit alleging the bank enabled Jeffrey Epstein’s sex-trafficking crimes. The settlement includes “significant commitments” by JPMorgan Chase to curtail human trafficking, and a $75 million payment to the US Virgin Islands. The USVI

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New ‘supercontinent’ could wipe out humans and make Earth uninhabitable, study suggests

By Amy Woodyatt, CNN (CNN) — The formation of a new “supercontinent” could wipe out humans and all other mammals still alive in 250 million years, researchers have predicted. Using the first-ever supercomputer climate models of the distant future, scientists from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom predicted how climate extremes would intensify

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Egyptian rights group says 73 supporters of a presidential challenger have been arrested

CAIRO (AP) — A rights group says Egyptian authorities have detained at least 73 people campaigning for a challenger to incumbent President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi in the December election. The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights said the detainees were volunteers working for presidential hopeful and critic Ahmed Altantawy. They face a variety of charges including

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Not again. Federal workers who’ve weathered past government shutdowns brace for yet another ordeal

By FATIMA HUSSEIN Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Across the country, federal workers still stung by memories of past government shutdowns are bracing for the possibility of another extended closure. With a Saturday deadline looming for lawmakers to approve more federal spending — a deal that is looking less and less likely — workers are

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