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Month: September 2023

Long a city that embraced cars, Paris is seeing a new kind of road rage: Bike-lane traffic jams

By JOHN LEICESTER Associated Press PARIS (AP) — Ring, ring! It’s rush hour on Paris’ Sébastopol Boulevard, and the congestion is severe — not just gas-guzzling, pollution-spewing, horn-honking snarls but also quieter and greener bottlenecks of cyclists jockeying for space. Until four years ago, motorists largely had the Paris thoroughfare to themselves. Now, its bike-lane

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Christie calls Trump ‘Donald Duck,’ DeSantis knocks former president and other debate takeaways

By MICHELLE L. PRICE and NICHOLAS RICCARDI Associated Press Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ aggressive start in the second Republican presidential debate was among its key moments. DeSantis used his first answer to criticize ex-President Donald Trump for skipping the debate Wednesday at the Reagan Library in California. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said if

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Striking actors and Hollywood studios to restart talks days after writers announce a new tentative labor contract

By Jon Passantino, CNN (CNN) — Striking actors and the Hollywood studios will resume negotiations on a new labor contract on Monday, SAG-AFTRA, the actors’ union, said Wednesday, the same day writers ended their own strike in the entertainment industry. Several executives from the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers member companies will be

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OEA llama al diálogo entre República Dominicana y Haití por el caso de los recursos hídricos fronterizos

macamilarincon (CNN Español) –– La Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) hizo un llamado al diálogo entre República Dominicana y Haití para resolver el desacuerdo que mantienen ambos países por el uso de los recursos hídricos del río Dajabón o Masacre, que en parte divide la frontera. A través de un comunicado, con fecha de

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Esta especie de pangolín recién descubierta podría ayudar en la lucha contra su extinción

Valeria Ordóñez (CNN) — El pangolín se encuentra entre los animales que más sufren de caza ilegal. Estas escurridizas criaturas están bajo amenaza, pero el descubrimiento de una especie misteriosa que resulta nueva para la ciencia podría ayudar a los conservacionistas a luchar contra su extinción, dicen los investigadores. Hay ocho especies de pangolín conocidas hasta

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