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Month: September 2023

Ringo Starr on ‘Rewind Forward,’ writing country music, the AI-assisted final Beatles track and more

By MARIA SHERMAN AP Music Writer LOS ANGELES (AP) — There are rock stars, and then there is Ringo Starr — drummer for the Beatles, award-winning soloist, photographer, narrator, actor, activist. To call him prolific would almost shortchange his accomplishments. But it also feels right. “Rewind Forward,” out October 13, is his fourth extended play

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Netflix’s DVD-by-mail service bows out as its red-and-white envelopes make their final trip

By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Technology Writer The curtain is finally coming down on Netflix’s once-iconic DVD-by-mail service, a quarter century after two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs came up with a concept that obliterated Blockbuster video stores while providing a springboard into video streaming that has transformed entertainment. The DVD service that has been steadily shrinking in

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Nagorno-Karabaj dejará de existir a partir de 2024 tras la victoria de Azerbaiyán

urielblanco (CNN) — La república autoproclamada de Nagorno-Karabaj dejará de existir a partir del próximo año, después de que su presidente firmara un decreto de disolución de las instituciones estatales tras su derrota ante Azerbaiyán. La victoria azerbaiyana de la semana pasada desencadenó un enorme éxodo de armenios residentes en Nagorno-Karabaj y marcó el final

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Louisiana implementing federal SNAP work requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents

By Web staff Click here for updates on this story     BATON ROUGE, Louisiana (KTBS) — Beginning October 1, the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) will implement federal work requirements and time limits for certain Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients, except in 33 parishes granted a federal waiver from the time limit

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US government estimates economy grew last quarter at a 2.1% rate, unchanged from previous projection

By PAUL WISEMAN and CHRISTOPHER RUGABER AP Economics Writers WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy grew at a 2.1% annual pace from April through June, extending its sturdy performance in the face of higher interest rates, the government said Thursday, leaving its previous estimate unchanged. The second-quarter expansion of the nation’s gross domestic product —

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US consumer spending was much weaker in the second quarter than previously estimated

By Bryan Mena, CNN Washington, DC (CNN) — The Commerce Department’s final revision of second-quarter gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic output, showed that economic growth was unchanged from the second estimate, holding at an annualized rate of 2.1%. However, consumer spending, America’s economic engine, was revised much lower, to a 0.8% annualized

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