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Month: September 2023

Charlie Manuel, who managed Phillies to World Series title, makes progress after suffering stroke

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Former Philadelphia Phillies manager Charlie Manuel has suffered a stroke while undergoing a medical procedure in a Florida hospital. The team said Sunday that Manuel “has made progress over the past 12 hours, and his doctors are encouraged.” The 79-year-old Manuel had a blood clot removed Saturday. Manuel managed the Phillies

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Rolling Stone co-founder Jann Wenner removed from Rock Hall leadership after controversial comments

By MARK KENNEDY AP Entertainment Writer NEW YORK (AP) — Jann Wenner, who co-founded Rolling Stone magazine and also was a co-founder of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, has been removed from the hall’s board of directors after making disparaging comments toward Black and female musicians. He apologized within hours. “Jann Wenner has

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Las autoridades fronterizas separaron a algunas familias migrantes en medio del hacinamiento en las instalaciones, según un informe

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN) — La Patrulla Fronteriza de Estados Unidos separó a algunos niños migrantes de sus padres mientras las familias estaban bajo custodia en medio del hacinamiento en las instalaciones, según un expediente judicial del viernes. El documento, que forma parte de un caso judicial de años de duración, subraya los desafíos

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GOP presidential hopefuls court Christian conservative voters at Iowa event

By Veronica Stracqualursi, Ebony Davis and Kit Maher, CNN Des Moines, Iowa (CNN) — With roughly four months until the Iowa caucuses, Republican presidential hopefuls spent Saturday courting the state’s conservative evangelical activists, an influential voting bloc in the Hawkeye State. Nearly all the major GOP candidates spoke at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition’s

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Colorado peak named after former governor linked to a massacre of Indigenous people has been renamed Mount Blue Sky

By Alaa Elassar, CNN (CNN) — On one cold November morning in 1864, more than 200 Cheyenne and Arapaho tribal members, mostly women and children, were murdered in one of the worst massacres in American history. For 128 years, the man historians say authorized the massacre had a mountain – which was located on Indigenous

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Colorado officer who placed handcuffed suspect into police vehicle that was hit by a train sentenced to 30 months probation, 100 hours community service

By Caroll Alvarado, CNN (CNN) — A police officer in Colorado who placed a handcuffed suspect into a police SUV that was then hit by a train, was sentenced to supervised probation and public service, her attorney said. Fort Lupton officer Jordan Steinke will serve 30 months of supervised probation and 100 hours of public

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Bernardo Arévalo anuncia que pedirá un amparo ante la Corte Suprema de Guatemala

Luis Ernesto Quintana Barney (CNN Español) — El presidente electo de Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo, anunció que el 18 de septiembre presentará un amparo ante la Corte Suprema de Justicia para exigir “que se reestablezca el orden constitucional”, así como el despido de la fiscal general, Consuelo Porras, y otros dos importantes funcionarios del gobierno guatemalteco.

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California lawsuit says oil giants deceived public on climate, seeks funds for storm damage

By MICHAEL R. BLOOD Associated Press LOS ANGELES (AP) — The state of California filed a lawsuit against some of the world’s largest oil and gas companies, claiming they deceived the public about the risks of fossil fuels now faulted for climate change-related storms and wildfires that caused billions of dollars in damage, officials said

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California sues 5 major oil companies, accuses them of deceiving public over the risks of fossil fuel use

By Caroll Alvarado, CNN (CNN) — The state of California is suing the oil companies BP, ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and ConocoPhillips and their trade group, the American Petroleum Institute, over what the state says is a long-standing pattern of deceiving the public over the risks associated with fossil fuels and causing billions of dollars in

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