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Month: September 2023

Fallout like Spain’s was ‘inevitable’ in women’s soccer, says Arsenal and England star Leah Williamson

By Matias Grez and Amanda Davies, CNN (CNN) — England and Arsenal star Leah Williamson says a fallout like the one Spain is experiencing between its soccer federation and players was “inevitable.” The players have been at loggerheads with the Spanish federation (RFEF) ever since former president Luis Rubiales, who resigned from his post earlier

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The officers accused in Elijah McClain’s death didn’t face charges for 2 years. Here’s a timeline of how the case made it to trial

By Aya Elamroussi, CNN (CNN) — Two of the Colorado police officers accused in the 2019 death of Elijah McClain began standing trial this week on criminal charges that were filed more than two years after the 23-year-old Black man died days following a physical confrontation. A prosecutor initially declined to bring charges against any

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Azerbaijan has reclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh. What does that mean for the tens of thousands living there?

By Christian Edwards, CNN (CNN) — The same day that Azerbaijan celebrated the surrender of separatist Armenian fighters in Nagorno-Karabakh, many in the breakaway region’s capital spent the evening throwing stacks of paper onto a fire. “One of the main things that people were doing in Stepanakert was burning all the possible documentation that could

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Pakistan’s prime minister says manipulation of coming elections by military is ‘absolutely absurd’

By EDITH M. LEDERER Associated Press UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Pakistan’s interim prime minister says he expects elections to take place in the new year, dismissing the possibility that the country’s powerful military would manipulate the results to ensure that jailed former premier Imran Khan’s party doesn’t win. Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar said it’s the Election Commission

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An October saltwater intrusion could threaten drinking water in New Orleans, so they’ll barge in 36 million gallons of fresh water a day

By Jamiel Lynch and Rachel Ramirez, CNN (CNN) — The US Army Corps of Engineers is planning to barge 36 million gallons of fresh water daily into the lower Mississippi River near New Orleans as an expected saltwater intrusion from the Gulf of Mexico in October threatens the area’s drinking water supply, officials said Friday.

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Las fuerzas especiales ucranianas afirman que el ataque contra el cuartel general ruso de la flota del mar Negro dejó decenas de muertos y heridos, “incluidos altos mandos”

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Las Fuerzas de Operaciones Especiales (SOF) de Ucrania publicaron el sábado un nuevo comunicado en Telegram sobre el ataque con misiles contra el cuartel general de la Flota del mar Negro de Rusia en Sebastopol, en la Crimea ocupada. El SOF dice que la operación especial apodada “Crab Trap” fue

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Ukraine says strike on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet HQ left dozens dead and wounded ‘including senior leadership’

By Maria Kostenko, Tim Lister and Sophie Tanno, CNN (CNN) — Ukraine said Saturday its bold strike on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the Crimean city of Sevastopol had left dozens dead and wounded “including senior leadership.” The attack on Friday is perhaps the most dramatic example yet of the confidence with which Ukraine

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Un jugador de póquer mintió diciendo que tenía cáncer y recibió miles de dólares en donaciones para jugar en un torneo

Ángela Reyes Haczek (CNN) — Un hombre de California admitió haber mentido sobre su cáncer terminal tras recibir miles de dólares en donaciones para jugar en un torneo de las World Series of Poker, según informa Las Vegas Review-Journal. Robert Mercer afirmó tener cáncer de colon en fase terminal 4 y convenció a la gente

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