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Month: August 2023

FIFA suspends Spain soccer chief Luis Rubiales and coaches resign over unwanted kiss with Women’s World Cup winner

By Aimee Lewis and Kevin Dotson, CNN (CNN) — Spanish soccer federation president Luis Rubiales’ unwanted kiss on Women’s World Cup Winner Jenni Hermoso has triggered a crisis in Spanish soccer, with world governing body FIFA suspending the president and Spain’s women’s coaches resigning en masse. FIFA said it was suspending Rubiales from “all football-related

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FIFA suspends Spain soccer federation president Luis Rubiales for 90 days after World Cup win kiss

By GRAHAM DUNBAR and JOSEPH WILSON AP Sports Writers GENEVA (AP) — FIFA suspended Spanish soccer federation president Luis Rubiales on Saturday while its disciplinary committee investigates his conduct at the Women’s World Cup final, which included kissing player Jenni Hermoso on the lips after Spain’s victory. The provisional suspension comes less than a week

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Pope warns of social media perils: relationships reduced to algorithms, partisan propaganda, hatred

ROME (AP) — Pope Francis in a speech to Catholic lawmakers has warned against social media reducing human relationships to “mere algorithms” and urged lawmakers to be vigilant against “partisan” propaganda and divisiveness on social media. In his speech on Saturday, he said social media networks can help people realize they are part of something

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A severe drought is affecting the Panama Canal. That’s not a good sign for supply chains — or your holiday shopping

By Alicia Wallace, CNN Minneapolis (CNN) — Panama is about halfway through its rainy season right now, and one of the wettest countries in the world is having one of its driest seasons on record. At the Panama Canal, where freshwater serves as the lifeblood for its lock-driven operations, the lack of abundant rainfall is

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As young conservatives try to get climate on the agenda in 2024, denial takes the spotlight instead

By Ella Nilsen, CNN (CNN) — During this week’s Republican primary debate on Fox News, a young voter notably asked about the climate crisis: How would these presidential candidates assuage concerns that the Republican Party “doesn’t care” about the issue? The question was all but unavoidable after weeks of extreme, deadly weather. Global temperature records

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Yale’s police union distributes ‘misleading’ flyer on crime rates for first-year students, university says

By Ashley R. Williams, CNN (CNN) — As new students arrived on campus for the fall semester at Yale University, they were given flyers containing “misleading … disturbing and inflammatory rhetoric” about the school’s safety, according to university officials. The flyers, titled “Welcome to Yale: A survival guide for first-year students of Yale University,” were

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