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Month: July 2023

Demi Lovato revela que sufrió pérdida de visión y audición tras una sobredosis en 2018

Sofía Benavides (CNN) — Demi Lovato no tiene muchos remordimientos pero, desafortunadamente, le quedaron algunos problemas físicos tras la sobredosis de drogas que sufrió en 2018. Durante una reciente participación en el programa “Andy Cohen Live” de SiriusXM, la cantante y actriz dijo: “No cambiaría mi camino porque no me arrepiento de nada”. “Lo más

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July has been so blistering hot, scientists already calculate that it’s the warmest month on record

By SETH BORENSTEIN AP Science Writer WASHINGTON (AP) — July has been so hot thus far that scientists calculate that this month will be the hottest globally on record and likely the warmest human civilization has seen, even though there are several days left to sweat through. The World Meteorological Organization and the European Union’s

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‘Jackass’ star Bam Margera to stand trial on assault charge in fight with brother, judge rules

By MARYCLAIRE DALE Associated Press WEST CHESTER, Pa. (AP) — “Jackass” star Bam Margera will stand trial on charges that he punched his brother during an altercation at their home in Pennsylvania in April. A judge made the ruling Thursday. Margera has pleaded not guilty to the misdemeanor charges. They include simple assault and making terroristic

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El equipo legal de Trump se reúne con el fiscal especial mientras la acusación federal parece acercarse

Sofía Benavides (CNN) — La reunión entre los abogados defensores de Donald Trump y el fiscal especial Jack Smith concluyó sin que el equipo del expresidente obtuviera información sobre cuándo ocurriría la posible acusación contra el exmandatario, dijeron a CNN fuentes familiarizadas con el asunto. Desde que recibió una carta de Smith que le informaba

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Court-appointed manager of Mississippi capital water system gets task of fixing sewage problems

By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS Associated Press JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The independent manager working to fix the long-troubled water system in Mississippi’s capital city will also be assigned to oversee repairs to the city’s deteriorating sewer system, under an order filed Wednesday. Officials from the U.S. Justice Department, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Mississippi

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