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Month: April 2023

Suben los precios del petróleo luego de que los productores de la OPEP+ anuncian recortes por sorpresa

Gonzalo Jimenez (CNN) — Los precios del petróleo subieron este lunes en los mercados asiáticos después de que los productores de la OPEP+ anunciaran por sorpresa un recorte de la producción. El crudo Brent, de referencia mundial, subió un 4,8%, hasta US$ 83,73 el barril, mientras que el WTI, de referencia en Estados Unidos, subió

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Pension protests raise tension between police, demonstrators

By ELAINE GANLEY Associated Press PARIS (AP) — French authorities see the police as protectors who are ensuring that citizens can peacefully protest President Emmanuel Macron’s contentious retirement age increase. But to human rights advocates and demonstrators who were clubbed or tear-gassed, officers have overstepped their mission. In the months since mass protests against the

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A view of the area after the tornado caused severe damage in Little Rock

Several states ravaged by deadly tornadoes could see more twisters this week after violent storms kill 32 people

By Nouran Salahieh and Holly Yan, CNN Parts of the Midwest and South devastated by catastrophic tornadoes will have almost no time to recover before another round of dangerous storms takes aim at hard-hit areas. At least 32 people were killed after an onslaught of tornado-spawning storms Friday obliterated houses, ripped roofs off buildings, wiped

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Prohíben uso de TikTok a personal de la OTAN en sus dispositivos

Gonzalo Jimenez (CNN) — La Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) prohibió oficialmente a su personal que descargue la aplicación de redes sociales TikTok en sus dispositivos proporcionados por la OTAN, alegando problemas de seguridad, según dos funcionarios de la OTAN familiarizados con el asunto. Los funcionarios de la OTAN enviaron una nota al

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