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Month: March 2023

More than 300 fencers have written to the International Olympic Committe regarding Russian and Belarusian athletes.

Russian and Belarusian athlete participation ‘works’ despite war, says IOC President Thomas Bach

By Sammy Mncwabe, CNN International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach has defended plans to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to participate in international competitions. “First of all, what is maybe most important, what has changed, is that participation of athletes with Russian and Belarusian passports in competitions and in international competitions, works,” Bach said

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La Policía busca el móvil del tiroteo masivo “calculado y planificado” en el que murieron seis personas en una escuela cristiana de Nashville

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN ) — La Policía de Nashville investiga los antecedentes y las motivaciones de una persona exalumna que entró en una escuela primaria cristiana con armas tipo AR y mapas detallados y abrió fuego, matando a tres niños y tres adultos. La persona autora de los disparos, identificada como Audrey Hale, de

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