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Month: March 2023

Maurice Hastings

After serving 38 years for a murder he didn’t commit, Maurice Hastings has finally been declared innocent

By Zoe Sottile, CNN Maurice Hastings, a man wrongfully convicted of a 1983 robbery-homicide and sexual assault, has been declared innocent by a California judge. Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge William C. Ryan formally declared Hastings factually innocent and cleared the arrest and prosecution from his criminal record during a Wednesday hearing, according to

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At least 3 police officers killed in Nagorno-Karabakh clash

MOSCOW (AP) — A shootout between Azerbaijani soldiers and Nagorno-Karabakh region police has killed at least three people. The two sides gave differing accounts of what happened. Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said Sunday’s shootout occurred when soldiers went to check vehicles suspected of transporting weapons along an auxiliary dirt road that leads from Armenia to Nagorno-Karabakh’s

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ANÁLISIS | Turquía bloquea la expansión de la OTAN. Podría resultar contraproducente y darle a Putin un golpe de propaganda

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — Cuando Suecia y Finlandia declararon su intención de unirse a la OTAN en mayo pasado, muchos lo vieron como un pinchazo en el ojo para Rusia y evidencia de un cambio en el pensamiento europeo. Históricamente, ambos países se habían comprometido a no alinearse con la OTAN como una forma de

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Many Canadians happy, but mental health flatlines or worse for some, new data shows

By Natasha O’Neill Click here for updates on this story     Mississauga, Ont. (CTV Network) — February 2023 data from Mental Health Research Canada (MHRC) shows the mental stability of Canadians has flatlined since the summer of 2022. As vaccinations became available and social distancing measures were eased, the mental health of Canadians showed some improvement,

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First lady Jill Biden pushed back on concerns about President Joe Biden's age and dismissed a proposal by Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley for politicians over age 75 to take a mental competency test.

Jill Biden says the idea of a competency test for elderly politicians is ‘ridiculous’

By Arlette Saenz and Elizabeth Stuart, CNN First lady Jill Biden pushed back on concerns about President Joe Biden‘s age and dismissed a proposal by Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley for politicians over age 75 to take a mental competency test. “Ridiculous,” the first lady said, responding to Haley’s proposal during an interview with CNN,

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Bridges with her modeling agent

She flatlined three times, lost both legs and had a failing heart. Yet she told doctors she’s ‘the luckiest person on this planet’

By Sandee LaMotte, CNN Her smile is bright, cheery, sometimes goofy and always contagious. But pictures can’t completely capture her upbeat, positive vibe. At 21, Claire Bridges has a mature spirit that amazes those who love her as well as the doctors who had to operate on her heart and remove both legs to save

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