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Month: February 2023

A suicide prevention committee that was established by the Pentagon last year is recommending instituting a waiting period for gun purchases on bases and raising the minimum age for buying firearms in an attempt to reduce the number of suicides among service members.

Pentagon’s suicide prevention committee recommends age limit and waiting period for on-base gun purchases

By Oren Liebermann and Haley Britzky, CNN A suicide prevention committee that was established by the Pentagon last year is recommending instituting a waiting period for gun purchases on bases and raising the minimum age for buying firearms in an attempt to reduce the number of suicides among service members. The Suicide Prevention and Response

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Panthers’ Knight to get care from player assistance program

NEW YORK (AP) — Florida Panthers goaltender Spencer Knight is out indefinitely while he receives care from the NHL/NHLPA player assistance program. The league and Players’ Association announced Knight’s absence Friday. Knight will continue to be paid while receiving treatment. He can return to the team once he’s cleared for on-ice competition by program administrators.

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Información de inteligencia sugiere que China evalúa enviar drones y municiones a Rusia, revelan fuentes

macamilarincon (CNN) –– Estados Unidos tiene información de inteligencia de que el gobierno de China considera proporcionar a Rusia drones y municiones para usar en la guerra en Ucrania, le dijeron a CNN tres fuentes familiarizadas con la inteligencia. Ahora bien, parece que Beijing todavía no ha tomado una decisión final, aclararon las fuentes, pero

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"The contents of the report are not deliberations

Fulton County judge who oversaw special grand jury in Trump probe says jurors are free to discuss final report

By Sara Murray and Jason Morris, CNN The judge who oversaw a special grand jury investigating efforts by former President Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia says he instructed jurors they were prevented from discussing deliberations but did not face restrictions in talking about the panel’s final report. “The

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Rift in Idaho GOP exposed amid multistate water rule lawsuit

By REBECCA BOONE Associated Press BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Some top Idaho officials are raising alarms after the state’s Republican attorney general declined to join a 24-state lawsuit against Biden administration waterway protections. Opponents say the new water rules could impact public and private land across the state. Instead, Idaho Attorney General Raul Labrador’s office

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