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Month: February 2023

ANÁLISIS | Lo que sabemos sobre la “teoría de la fuga de laboratorio” del virus de covid-19

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — Una evaluación actualizada de los servicios de inteligencia de EE.UU. sobre los orígenes del covid-19 reabrió el debate de largo tiempo, y sin resolver, sobre cómo se originó el virus, y alimentará una nueva comisión creada por los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes para investigar la cuestión. Mientras los científicos

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For travelers who love to cruise but also consider themselves to be environmentally minded

Sustainable ships: The world’s most eco-conscious cruises

Elissa Garay, CNN For travelers who love to cruise but also consider themselves to be environmentally minded, the concept of “green” cruising can seem counterintuitive. Indeed, sustainability challenges abound in an industry known for its carbon-spewing vessels, excess waste production (spanning trash, sewage, and gray water), and port overtourism — not to mention environmental violations

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Ohio authorities In August released a forensic facial reconstruction of an unidentified man whose remains were found 35 years ago.

Two sets of remains in Ohio cold cases are identified, with a plea for tips about one leading to a break in the other

By Sara Smart and Theresa Waldrop, CNN Ohio investigators were trying to identify human remains found decades ago when a tip led them to identify the remains of another person found dead almost 200 miles away, officials said Monday. Investigators now believe they’ve identified both sets of remains, officials said. “Old-fashioned detective work, modern DNA

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Fiscalía de Venezuela confirma detención de tres personas a las que vincula con tiroteos contra comercios en el occidente del país

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN Español) — La Fiscalía General de Venezuela confirmó este lunes la detención de tres personas sospechosas de participar en una serie de atentados ocurridos la semana pasada en Maracaibo, la capital del estado Zulia, en el occidente de Venezuela. El fiscal general del país, Tarek William Saab, calificó los hechos ocurridos en

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