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Month: December 2022

Columbia police search for person in Cosmo Park who crashed alleged stolen truck after chase near Primrose Drive

COLUMBIA, Mo. (KMIZ) A crash occurred near the intersection of Primrose Drive and North Stadium Boulevard on Tuesday night after officers discovered a pickup truck that was allegedly stolen and a chase ensued, Columbia police told ABC 17 News. The truck ended up going off the road and crashed, facing northwest. The suspect ran out

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Members of the 13th Judiciary Circuit Court discuss expungement policies for Amendment 3

FULTON, Mo. (KMIZ) Members of the 13th Judicial Circuit Court continued its ongoing discussions regarding the expungement policy following Missouri’s adoption of Amendment 3. Convictions for possession and paraphernalia will begin to be expunged Thursday under the voter-approved constitutional amendment that legalized recreational marijuana in Missouri. Under Amendment 3, misdemeanor marijuana offenses will be automatically

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Descubren extraños fósiles de la Edad de Hielo en el río Mississippi, golpeado por la sequía

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — Los bancos de arena que han quedado expuestos recientemente a lo largo del río Mississippi, golpeado por la sequía, han llamado la atención de los cazadores de fósiles, lo que ha dado lugar a dos hallazgos excepcionales de una extraña especie de la Edad de Hielo. Wiley Prewitt estaba explorando un

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