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Month: September 2022

Exclusiva de CNN: Científicos logran un gran avance en la carrera por salvar el coral del Caribe

macamilarincon (CNN) –– Científicos del Acuario de Florida lograron un gran avance en la carrera para salvar un coral del Caribe: por primera vez, biólogos marinos reprodujeron con éxito el coral elkhorn, una especie muy importante, utilizando tecnología de acuarios. Es un logro histórico que, esperan, podría ayudar a revitalizar los ecosistemas del Caribe, y

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Slovak government loses its majority after partner withdraws

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Slovakia’s political crisis has deepened after a junior party completed its withdrawal from the four-party coalition. That leaves Prime Minister Eduard Heger without a parliamentary majority. Three ministers from the liberal Freedom and Solidarity party submitted their resignations on Monday. They followed the example of the party leader and former Economy

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