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Month: September 2022

La búsqueda de una mujer desaparecida en Wyoming gira en parte en torno a un misterioso barril de 55 galones

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) — La consola del Audi negro de Stacy Koester está guardada con artículos que no se encuentran en la mayoría de los autos: guantes de látex azules. Medicamento para la alergia. Vendajes. Pequeños cuchillos utilitarios. Ella no es una doctora que hace visitas a domicilio. Es parte de un equipo de mujeres

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Biden: ‘The pandemic is over’

By Kate Sullivan, Jamie Gumbrecht, Allie Malloy and Kevin Liptak, CNN President Joe Biden said he believes the Covid-19 pandemic is “over” in an appearance on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” but acknowledged the US still has a “problem” with the virus that has killed more than 1 million Americans. “The pandemic is over. We still have

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TikTok’s search engine repeatedly delivers misinformation to its majority-young user base, report says

By Emma Tucker, CNN When a TikTok user searches the social media app for information on top news stories, ranging from Covid-19 vaccines to school shootings, nearly 20% of the videos presented as search results contain misinformation, according to a research report published Wednesday. Researchers at NewsGuard, a journalism and technology tool that tracks online

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