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Month: September 2022

FAA rejects Republic Airways’ proposal to reduce the hours it takes to become a co-pilot

By Pete Muntean and Greg Wallace, CNN Federal regulators have soundly rejected an airline’s controversial request to reduce commercial pilot hiring standards in half to tackle the global pilot shortage. In April, regional airline Republic Airways asked the Federal Aviation Administration to allow graduates of Republic’s own LIFT Academy to become airline co-pilots with 750

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‘It’s all behind us now.’ 1,700 migrant children see hope in nation’s largest school system

By Polo Sandoval, Kimberly Berryman and Ray Sanchez, CNN After the hardship of their journey from South America to the United States, Marialena Coromoto and her 13-year-old daughter, Neimarys, see hope in the US school system. Days before her first day of class, Neimarys described finally feeling at peace following months of uncertainty. The young

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¿Por qué tiembla tanto en México?

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNNEspañol) — Los sismos son un fenómeno común en México, pues el país está ubicado en una zona de “alta sismicidad”, según el Servicio Sismológico Nacional (SSN). Allí interactúan cinco placas tectónicas: la de Norteamérica, la de Cocos, la del Pacífico, la de Rivera y la placa del Caribe. MIRA:  Fuerte sismo de magnitud

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