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Month: July 2022

El secretario de Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU. advierte a migrantes de la peligrosidad de su viaje por la frontera tras el incidente que dejó 53 muertos

urielblanco (CNN) — El secretario de Seguridad Nacional de Estados Unidos, Alejandro Mayorkas, advirtió este domingo a los migrantes que “no emprendan el peligroso viaje” para cruzar la frontera entre EE.UU. y México, después de que 53 migrantes murieran en un sofocante semirremolque en San Antonio (Texas) la semana pasada, en lo que se calificó

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Demonstrators protest the fatal police shooting of Jayland Walker in Akron

Jayland Walker suffered at least 60 wounds in fatal police shooting, Akron police chief says, as authorities release bodycam footage

By Polo Sandoval, Dakin Andone and Samantha Beech, CNN A 25-year-old Black man suffered at least 60 wounds when police officers fatally shot him last week following a high-speed chase during which the man fired a gun out the driver’s side window, authorities said. Jayland Walker was unarmed at the time he was killed, though

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