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Month: July 2022

Europa quiere una red ferroviaria de alta velocidad que sustituya a los aviones

urielblanco (CNN) — Desayunar en París, almorzar en Francfort y cenar en Viena, todo ello sin las molestias y la frustración de los vuelos. Imagínate una red de trenes modernos, superrápidos y cómodos que se desplazan entre todas las grandes ciudades de la Unión Europea, ofreciendo una alternativa fiable, cómoda y sostenible frente al transporte

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European Parliament says natural gas projects can be considered ‘green’ for investments

By Hande Atay Alam, Ivana Kottasová, Angela Dewan and Rachel Ramirez, CNN European Union lawmakers voted Wednesday in favor of calling natural gas and nuclear power “green” or “sustainable” sources of energy, backing a proposal from European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, that has spurred criticism from scientists and environmental advocates. The new rules, if

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European Parliament says natural gas projects can be considered ‘green’ for investments

By Hande Atay Alam, Ivana Kottasová, Angela Dewan and Rachel Ramirez, CNN European Union lawmakers voted Wednesday in favor of calling natural gas and nuclear power “green” or “sustainable” sources of energy, backing a proposal from European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, that has spurred criticism from scientists and environmental advocates. The new rules, if

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North Korean government hackers hit health services with ransomware, US agencies warn

By Sean Lyngaas, CNN North Korean government-backed hackers have in the last year targeted multiple health organizations with ransomware, in some cases disrupting health services for “prolonged periods,” the FBI and other US agencies warned on Wednesday. The North Koreans have used the ransomware — a type of malicious computer code that locks computer files

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Emails show White House initially planned to nominate anti-abortion Republican to federal judgeship on the day Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade

By MJ Lee and Phil Mattingly, CNN The White House informed Kentucky Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear’s office in late June — the day before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade — that President Joe Biden intended to nominate an anti-abortion Republican as a federal judge in Kentucky, according to emails obtained by CNN on

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El Maratón de Londres de 2022 organizará la carrera en silla de ruedas con el mayor premio de la historia

Alexandra Ferguson (CNN) — En el Maratón de Londres del año pasado, los suizos Marcel Hug y Manuela Schär establecieron sendos récords en las carreras masculina y femenina en silla de ruedas. Este año, los organizadores están estableciendo récords incluso antes de que comience la carrera. Este miércoles anunciaron que el Maratón de Londres de

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Video shows chaos as fireworks set off in downtown Minneapolis streets on July 4th

By DAVID SCHUMAN, JONAH KAPLAN, PAULEEN LE Click here for updates on this story     MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Minneapolis city leaders on Tuesday addressed the July 4th holiday’s multiple shootings and “fireworks wars.” Mayor Jacob Frey said the “recklessness and callous disregard for residents in our city put a damper on a weekend that should otherwise

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