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Month: June 2022

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

McConnell privately expresses openness to raising age to 21 for buying semiautomatic rifles, but proposal unlikely to get into final deal

By Manu Raju and Pamela Brown, CNN Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has privately expressed an openness for raising the age to 21 for purchasing semiautomatic rifles, according to a person familiar with the matter, but the issue is unlikely to be included in any final deal because most Republicans are opposed to it. Instead,

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Helias names new girls tennis coach

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (KMIZ) Helias names Molly Maassen as the new girls tennis coach for the 2022–23 school year. Athletic Director for Helias Catholic, Dwayne Clingman, says Maassen brings years of tennis experience and a love for the game that will serve the student-athletes well. Maassen is a 1992 graduate of Helias Catholic and has

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The 6 megawatt Stanton Solar Farm outside of Orlando

Clean energy industry and climate activists see glimmer of hope in new Biden action after months of ‘hard times’

By Ella Nilsen, CNN Months of intense lobbying from the solar and clean energy industry culminated on Monday in the Biden White House taking their biggest action on climate in recent months. The administration moved to waive anti-circumvention tariffs on solar panels for two years and invoking the Defense Production Act to speed up domestic

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Clean energy industry and climate activists see glimmer of hope in new Biden action after months of ‘hard times’

By Ella Nilsen, CNN Months of intense lobbying from the solar and clean energy industry culminated on Monday in the Biden White House taking their biggest action on climate in recent months. The administration moved to waive anti-circumvention tariffs on solar panels for two years and invoking the Defense Production Act to speed up domestic

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