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Month: June 2022

A man pays his respects at a makeshift memorial for the victims in San Antonio.

On a Texas road called ‘the mouth of the wolf,’ a semitruck packed with migrants was abandoned in the sweltering heat

By Ray Sanchez, Nicole Chavez and Priscilla Alvarez, CNN A distant cry led a worker Monday evening to a tractor-trailer abandoned on a desolate country road under the blazing Texas sun on the outskirts of the city. On this barren stretch of scrubland adjacent to railroad tracks, the perilous journey north for dozens of undocumented

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Republican gubernatorial primary candidate Darren Bailey

5 takeaways from Tuesday’s elections in Colorado, Illinois and more

By Eric Bradner, CNN Republican primary voters in Colorado resoundingly rejected Donald Trump’s brand of politics Tuesday, choosing more moderate nominees for key offices over a group of candidates that had embraced the former President’s lies about election fraud. In Illinois, however, GOP voters sided with Trump, choosing the conservative state senator he had endorsed

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Los abortos pueden reanudarse en algunas clínicas de Texas después de que la corte bloqueó la prohibición anterior a Roe

Alejandra Ramos (CNN) — Un tribunal estatal de Texas emitió una orden de restricción temporal contra ciertos funcionarios locales y estatales que les impide hacer cumplir una prohibición del aborto de casi un siglo de antigüedad en el estado. Por un período corto de tiempo, la orden permitirá que algunas clínicas de Texas reanuden el

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Police officers gather at the scene of a shootout in Saanich

6 officers injured in shootout outside a Canadian bank, two suspects were shot and killed, police say

By Sharif Paget, Amy Simonson and Laura James, CNN A shootout outside a Canadian bank in British Columbia Tuesday left six officers injured and two suspects dead, authorities said. The suspects were killed after exchanging fire with police outside the bank in Saanich, according to Dean Duthie, the chief constable of the Saanich Police Department.

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Clinics scramble to divert patients as states ban abortion

By HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH and LINDSEY TANNER Associated Press They call her, desperate, scared and often broke. Some are rape and domestic violence victims. Others are new mothers, still breastfeeding infants. Another pregnancy so soon, they say, is something they just can’t handle. “Heart wrenching,” said Angela Huntington, an abortion navigator for Planned Parenthood in Missouri,

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