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Month: June 2022

Corte Suprema desestima el esfuerzo republicano por mantener la regla de inmigración de “carga pública” que se impuso en el gobierno Trump

macamilarincon (CNN) — La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos desestimó la apelación de un grupo de estados liderados por republicanos para intervenir en un caso que desafía la política de inmigración de “carga pública”, impuesta en la era Trump y cuya versión el gobierno de Biden dejó de implementar. El caso no se centró en

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Federal watchdog found oil and gas company likely defrauded government amid agency missteps

By Ella Nilsen, CNN A federal watchdog has found that for years, the Interior Department’s safety and enforcement branch was unaware of an oil and gas company that regularly vented and flared a potent planet-warming gas at levels exceeding the department’s own requirements. Interior’s Office of the Inspector General found that an energy company operating

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First on CNN: Biden administration shipping 44,000 pounds of Nestlé formula Thursday

By Betsy Klein, CNN The Biden administration is facilitating an additional shipment of infant formula on Thursday, the White House announced, transporting specialty formula from Switzerland to the US through ongoing “Operation Fly Formula” efforts as the federal government continues to work to address the shortage. The administration, the White House said in a statement

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Brazilian indigenous agency workers strike after Amazon killings spark outrage

By Rodrigo Pedroso, CNN Workers at Brazil’s national agency for indigenous people went on strike Thursday amid fury over the killings of British journalist Dom Phillips and indigenous expert Bruno Pereira, citing longstanding concerns over illegal activity and violence in the Amazon rainforest. Staff at FUNAI, the government body responsible for the protection and interests

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Alexey Navalny transferred to maximum-security prison

By Anna Chernova and Karen Smith, CNN Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has been transferred from the penal colony where he was serving his term to a higher security prison facility. The jailed politician was relocated to a maximum-security prison in Melekhovo in the Vladimir Region, according to Russia’s state media outlet TASS citing Sergey

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Biden insta a las petroleras a aumentar la producción y tacha de “inaceptables” los altos márgenes de ganancias

Germán Padinger (CNN) — El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, pidió a las principales compañías petroleras que tomen “medidas inmediatas” para aumentar el suministro, diciéndoles en una nueva carta que los márgenes de beneficio “históricamente altos” son inaceptables en un momento en el que los estadounidenses siguen viendo aumentar los precios en el surtidor

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El calor extremo es dañino para la salud de todos… y solo está empeorando

macamilarincon (CNN) — El Hospital Carilion Franklin Memorial en Rocky Mount, Virginia, está lleno: atiende su cuota de casos de covid-19 y problemas más comunes en esta época del año, como los accidentes de barcos. Pero sus profesionales también tratan a pacientes enfermos por algo engañosamente peligroso: el calor extremo. Las altas temperaturas en el

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