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Month: June 2022

Canadian girl with autism in world-first test on how brain stimulation could stop severe self-harm

By Avis Favaro Click here for updates on this story     TORONTO (CTV Network) — A nine-year-old Canadian girl with autism spectrum disorder has “amazed” her doctors and scientists after they were able to send electrical signals to her brain that stopped her from inflicting severe harm on herself. Ellie Tomljanovic who lives in Barrie, Ont.,

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Una segunda ola de calor asfixiante en EE.UU. amenaza con temperaturas récord mientras se mueve hacia el este

macamilarincon (CNN) –– El implacable domo de calor que impuso temperaturas opresivamente altas en las planicies del norte y el Medio Oeste de Estados Unidos durante este fin de semana comenzará a desplazarse más hacia el este desde el lunes. Lo que pone fin al breve respiro que tuvieron muchos estados en los Grandes Lagos

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Juneteenth by the Numbers 2022

By Toby Lyles, CNN Editorial Research Juneteenth is the oldest known US celebration of the end of slavery. African Americans and others mark the anniversary much like the Fourth of July, with parties, picnics and gatherings with family and friends. Juneteenth was signed into law as a national holiday by President Joe Biden on June

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Juneteenth by the Numbers 2022

By Toby Lyles, CNN Editorial Research Juneteenth is the oldest known US celebration of the end of slavery. African Americans and others mark the anniversary much like the Fourth of July, with parties, picnics and gatherings with family and friends. Juneteenth was signed into law as a national holiday by President Joe Biden on June

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Vacuna contra el covid-19 para menores de 5 años en EE.UU.: cómo conseguirlas, cuál aplicar y más

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — La Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU. (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) autorizó este viernes el uso de emergencia de las vacunas de Pfizer/BioNTech y Moderna para niños pequeños. Los asesores en materia de vacunas de los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de EE.UU.

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