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Month: June 2022

“Rusia es la amenaza más importante” y otras conclusiones del nuevo Concepto Estratégico 2022 de la OTAN

Germán Padinger (CNN Español) — “Rusia es la amenaza más importante y directa para la seguridad”, dice la OTAN, sin atenuantes, en su nuevo Concepto Estratégico —el documento que define el rol de la alianza en la próxima década— aprobado el miércoles en la cumbre de Madrid. La Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN)

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The Supreme Court on June 30 curbed the Environmental Protection Agency's ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants

READ: Supreme Court ruling curbing EPA’s ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants

By CNN staff The Supreme Court on Thursday curbed the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to broadly regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants, a major defeat for the Biden administration’s attempts to slash emissions at a moment when scientists are sounding alarms about the accelerating pace of global warming. Read the ruling: The-CNN-Wire™ & ©

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NATO military officials said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg's

NATO officials say plan to boost high response force to 300,000 ‘still a work in progress’

By Natasha Bertrand, CNN NATO military officials said Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg’s announcement earlier this week that 300,000 troops would be placed on high alert across the alliance is something the alliance will work on going forward, rather than an immediate shift. Stoltenberg said on Monday that NATO “will transform the NATO Response Force and increase

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La Corte Suprema dice que Biden puede poner fin a la política migratoria “Remain in México” de la era Trump

Juan Pablo Elverdin (CNN) — La Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos dio este jueves luz verde al presidente Joe Biden para poner fin a la controvertida política migratoria conocida como “Remain in Mexico” o “Permanecer en México, originada bajo la administración Trump. El caso vuelve ahora a la corte inferior para procedimientos adicionales en torno

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Former F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone

Former F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone says he’d ‘take a bullet’ for Vladimir Putin, calling him a ‘first-class person’

By Ben Morse, CNN Former Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has said he would “take a bullet” for Vladimir Putin and called the Russian President a “first-class person.” When asked on British TV show Good Morning Britain if President Putin was still a friend of his, the 91-year-old Englishman said on Thursday: “I’d still take

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Immigration activists rally outside the US Supreme Court in Washington

Supreme Court says Biden can end Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ immigration policy

By Tierney Sneed and Priscilla Alvarez, CNN The Supreme Court on Thursday gave President Joe Biden the green light to end the controversial “Remain in Mexico” immigration policy that originated under the Trump administration. Since the beginning of his administration, Biden has tried to wind down the policy, which sends certain non-Mexican citizens who entered

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