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Month: May 2022

Allegations the Florida Department of Health fired Rebekah Jones because she objected to manipulating coronavirus data were "unsubstantiated

Fired data scientist’s claims of Covid-19 data manipulation ‘unsubstantiated,’ Florida IG report finds

By Steve Contorno and Elizabeth Wolfe, CNN Allegations the Florida Department of Health fired an employee because she objected to manipulating coronavirus data were “unsubstantiated,” according to a state inspector general report. The former state data scientist, Rebekah Jones, claimed she was pressured by health department officials to falsify Covid-19 data to hide the extent

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Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto expressed optimism that "sooner or later

Finnish foreign minister optimistic that ‘sooner or later’ Finland and Sweden will be NATO members

By Jennifer Hansler, CNN Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto expressed optimism that “sooner or later, Finland and Sweden will be members of NATO” and said discussions with the Turkish government would continue as Ankara threatens to block the two nations from joining the defensive alliance. In an interview with CNN in Washington, DC, Friday, Haavisto

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¿Qué es la constancia de situación fiscal en México, cómo obtenerla en el SAT y qué pasa si la entregas tarde?

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN Español) — Desde el ejercicio fiscal 2022 en México —cuando entraron en vigor reformas fiscales—, los empleadores solicitan a sus trabajadores una constancia de situación fiscal, antes conocida como constancia de RFC, para actualizar sus datos, corroborar su registro ante el Sistema de Administración Tributaria (SAT) y emitir de forma correcta sus

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Las fuerzas rusas están despoblando partes del este de Ucrania, trasladando por la fuerza a miles de personas a zonas remotas de Rusia

Germán Padinger (CNN) — Cientos de miles de ucranianos han sido procesados en una serie de “campos de filtración” rusos en el este de Ucrania y enviados a Rusia como parte de un programa sistemático de traslado forzoso que está despoblando regiones del país, según cuatro fuentes familiarizadas con los últimos datos de inteligencia occidentales,

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CEOs are silent on guns. They must speak up in a 'loud chorus'

CEOs are silent on guns. They must speak up in a ‘loud chorus’, Yale’s Jeff Sonnenfeld says

By Matt Egan, CNN Business Corporate America has said very little following this week’s Texas school shooting that left 21 people dead. Yale professor Jeff Sonnenfeld is calling out their silence. Sonnenfeld, a vocal advocate of corporate social responsibility, applauded Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon for speaking up but said more is needed. “This voice

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Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz released a video on May 27 in which the celebrity doctor calls himself the "presumptive Republican" nominee on the same day counties can begin recounting ballots.

Oz says he’s earned ‘presumptive Republican nomination,’ even as Pennsylvania Senate primary recount kicks off

By Dan Merica, CNN Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz released a video on Friday in which the celebrity doctor calls himself the “presumptive Republican” nominee on the same day counties can begin recounting ballots in the commonwealth’s tight GOP primary. Oz currently holds a roughly 900-vote lead over former hedge fund executive Dave McCormick in

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