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Month: April 2022

Migrants expelled from the US and sent back to Mexico under Title 42 walk towards Mexico at the Paso del Norte International border bridge on April 1.

What is Title 42? How it changed things at the border, and why it’s sparking debate

By Catherine E. Shoichet, CNN The Biden administration’s plans to lift Title 42 have been raising concerns in border communities and sparking fierce debate in Washington. Politicians have been sparring over whether it’s the right time to repeal the pandemic public health restrictions. And a federal judge’s decision may have thrown another wrench in the

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FINA is looking into Evgeny Rylov's participation in the Russian swimming championships.

FINA investigates Russian swimmer Evgeny Rylov competing in national championships despite being banned

By Matias Grez and Sammy Mngqosini, CNN The International Swimming Federation (FINA), swimming’s global governing body, says it is investigating Russia’s Evgeny Rylov after the swimmer took part in his country’s national championships, despite receiving a nine-month ban just four days ago. FINA announced on April 21 that it had suspended the two-time Olympic champion

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El Gobierno de Biden asegura 20 millones de dosis de Paxlovid, la píldora antiviral contra el covid-19

Verónica Ojeda Washington (CNN) — El Gobierno de Biden ha asegurado la compra de 20 millones de tratamientos de Paxlovid, la píldora antiviral contra el covid-19 de Pfizer, dijo este lunes un alto funcionario del gobierno a CNN. El gobierno trabajará con el fabricante para acelerar la producción y la entrega del nuevo medicamento a

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The Riverdale Jewish Center in New York City was one of four synagogues vandalized on April 2021. Reports of anti-Semitism in the US hit the highest number on record in 2021

Assaults, vandalism and harassment targeting Jewish communities and people are higher than ever, audit shows

By Nicole Chavez, CNN The number of reports of assaults, vandalism and harassment targeting Jewish communities and individuals in the United States was the highest on record in 2021, the Anti-Defamation League said Tuesday. A total of 2,717 anti-Semitic incidents were reported last year, an annual audit released by the ADL states. That was a

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Familiares de pacientes con covid-19 que estén en una UCI podrían desarrollar trastorno de estrés postraumático, dice un estudio

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Cuando piensas en el trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), tu mente puede pensar en una película sobre la guerra. Es un día tranquilo en un campamento base cuando de repente el enemigo lanza un ataque. El personaje principal se esfuerza por responder al fuego entrante, tomando decisiones rápidas sobre cómo

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Kim Jong Un promete avanzar a toda velocidad en el programa nuclear de Corea del Norte, mientras alardea de sus misiles ICBM

Juan Pablo Elverdin Seúl, Corea del Sur (CNN) — El líder de Corea del Norte, Kim Jong Un, prometió este lunes acelerar su desarrollo de armas nucleares, mientras un desfile militar en Pyongyang mostraba el armamento más avanzado del país hasta el momento, incluyendo un misil balístico intercontinental que, según los expertos, pone a todo

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