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Month: April 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy appears on a screen as he addresses the United Nations Security Council via video link during a meeting

Ukraine’s Zelensky questions UN Security Council’s mandate in speech on alleged Russian atrocities

By Jennifer Deaton and Lauren Said-Moorhouse, CNN Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russian troops of indiscriminately killing civilians “just for their pleasure” in an emotionally-charged address to the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday, before questioning the very mandate of the Security Council itself. Zelensky’s speech came a day after he visited the Kyiv suburb

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‘Like the good old days’: Obama returns to the White House for the first time as Democrats look ahead to midterm elections

By Kevin Liptak and Jeff Zeleny, CNN When former President Barack Obama walked into the White House on Tuesday, it was his first time in the building since he welcomed then-President-elect Donald Trump for coffee on the morning of Trump’s inauguration. That friendly greeting at the North Portico — including the awkward handoff of a

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The Pennsylvania State Capitol is pictured.

Why these Democrats think 25 state legislative races are the key to securing the 2024 presidential election

By Edward-Isaac Dovere, CNN Sitting at the Gee Whiz Diner in Brooklyn last summer, Daniel Squadron and Vicky Hausman cooked up a simple plan they believed could save American democracy. On Tuesday, they’re putting it into action, announcing a $20 million investment in state legislative races in what they think are three key states. Squadron,

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El duro discurso de Zelensky ante la ONU: Los rusos mataron civiles “solo por placer”

macamilarincon (CNN) ––En medio de la conmoción mundial por las escenas devastadoras de cadáveres y fosas comunes que se conocieron de Bucha, Ucrania, el presidente Volodymyr Zelensky acusó a las tropas rusas de matar indiscriminadamente a civiles “solo por su placer”, durante un discurso ante el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas este martes.

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