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Month: April 2022

ANÁLISIS | El gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, muestra el poder bruto de su gobierno imperial

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — El ascenso meteórico del gobernador de Florida, Ron DeSantis, al grupo de posibles candidatos presidenciales del Partido Republicano ha sido una de las tramas secundarias más fascinantes de la política: lo puso en un curso de colisión directa con el expresidente Donald Trump mientras dirigía la brigada contra el uso

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Alexey Navalny is Russia's opposition leader.

‘We don’t realize how strong we actually are’: How Alexey Navalny became Russia’s opposition leader

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN Russian opposition leader. Anti-corruption campaigner. Assassination attempt survivor. Prisoner. Alexey Navalny’s crusade against the Kremlin has brought many labels. And with the eyes of the world now trained on Russian President Vladimir Putin amid his brutal invasion of Ukraine, Navalny’s message of resistance is finding new weight inside and outside of

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‘We don’t realize how strong we actually are’: How Alexey Navalny became Russia’s opposition leader

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN Russian opposition leader. Anti-corruption campaigner. Assassination attempt survivor. Prisoner. Alexey Navalny’s crusade against the Kremlin has brought many labels. And with the eyes of the world now trained on Russian President Vladimir Putin amid his brutal invasion of Ukraine, Navalny’s message of resistance is finding new weight inside and outside of

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‘We don’t realize how strong we actually are’: How Alexey Navalny became Russia’s opposition leader

By Paul LeBlanc, CNN Russian opposition leader. Anti-corruption campaigner. Assassination attempt survivor. Prisoner. Alexey Navalny’s crusade against the Kremlin has brought many labels. And with the eyes of the world now trained on Russian President Vladimir Putin amid his brutal invasion of Ukraine, Navalny’s message of resistance is finding new weight inside and outside of

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U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is appearing at a hearing

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene testifies for more than 3 hours in hearing about whether to disqualify her from seeking reelection

By Marshall Cohen, CNN Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia testified under oath for three hours Friday at an unprecedented disqualification hearing that focused on whether she is constitutionally barred from holding office because of her role in the January 6 insurrection. On the witness stand, Greene repeated debunked claims that former President Donald

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EE.UU. permite que unos cientos de migrantes vulnerables busquen asilo esta semana mientras miles esperan en México a que termine el Título 42, dicen fuentes

olivertapia (CNN) — A unos cientos de migrantes que han estado esperando en Reynosa, México, el fin de la orden de salud pública de Estados Unidos por la pandemia, conocida como Título 42, se les permitió solicitar asilo esta semana, dijeron fuentes en el terreno a CNN. El gobierno de Biden está en camino de

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Fosas comunes cerca de la ciudad ucraniana sitiada de Mariúpol son evidencia de crímenes de guerra, dicen funcionarios ucranianos

Melissa Velásquez Loaiza (CNN) — Las autoridades ucranianas afirman que identificaron fosas comunes fuera de la ciudad de Mariúpol, lo que, según dicen, se suma a las crecientes pruebas de los crímenes de guerra rusos contra los civiles ucranianos. La afirmación está respaldada por fotos recopiladas y analizadas por la compañía estadounidense de imágenes satelitales

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