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Month: March 2022

NYPD officers patrol the Franklin Avenue subway station last July in New York

Law enforcement focus on quality-of-life offenses renews old debate over ‘broken windows’ policing

By Ray Sanchez and Mark Morales, CNN The New York Police Department is cracking down on offenses that have become part of daily life in some neighborhoods: public consumption of alcohol, open-air marijuana sales and public urination. The goal is to combat relatively minor infractions that the nation’s largest police department maintains lower the quality

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8 takeaways from Biden’s trip to Europe

By Maegan Vazquez and Kyle Feldscher, CNN President Joe Biden used a last-minute trip to Europe this week to rally the world’s democracies and announce more actions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, while also causing a geopolitical stir with one of the final lines from his speech in Poland. The President’s four-day stint

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