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Month: March 2022

Officials from the 68th caucus precinct overlook the results of the first referendum count during a caucus event on February 3

Democrats move closer to significantly altering their presidential nominating process

By Dan Merica, CNN Numerous members of the Democratic National Committee’s Rules and Bylaws Committee expressed support during a virtual meeting on Monday for a draft proposal that would dramatically remake the party’s 2024 presidential nominating process, signaling that the committee could pass the measure when it meets again in April. The draft proposal would

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Corte de México ordena liberar a Alejandra Cuevas y cancelar orden de aprehensión contra Laura Morán por la muerte del hermano del fiscal Gertz Manero

Ángela Reyes (CNN Español) — El pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de México ordenó por unanimidad este lunes cancelar una orden de aprehensión contra Laura Morán, excuñada del fiscal general Alejandro Gertz Manero, y liberar de inmediato a la hija de Morán, Alejandra Cuevas, ambas acusadas por la muerte del hermano del fiscal,

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Will Smith announced in a statement Friday that he has resigned from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences.

Will Smith resigns from the Academy

By Brian Stelter, CNN Business After slapping presenter Chris Rock on stage at last weekend’s Academy Awards, Will Smith announced in a statement Friday that he has resigned from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences. “I am resigning from membership in the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and will accept any

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Disputa por una baqueta en concierto de Morat en Venezuela derivó en trifulca que involucró a mujer armada y a una alta funcionaria

Rocío Muñoz-Ledo (CNN) –  La agrupación Morat lamentó que haya ingresado una persona armada a uno de sus conciertos que realizó en Caracas el sábado 26 y el domingo 27 de marzo. En un comunicado publicado en su cuenta de Twitter, la banda aseguró que rechaza “categóricamente cualquier manifestación de violencia” y que “siempre harán

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