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Month: March 2022

Detienen en Paraguay a exdiputado oficialista que renunció en medio de una investigación sobre vínculos con el narcotráfico

Sol Amaya (CNN Español) — La Fiscalía de Paraguay informó este miércoles que la Unidad Especializada de Narcotráfico del Ministerio Público ordenó la detención de Juan Carlos Ozorio, quien unas horas antes había renunciado como diputado del oficialista Partido Colorado. Según la Fiscalía, la detención de Ozorio se dio en el marco de la investigación

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French Ambassador to the US Philippe Etienne (L) and Steve K. Francis

Gold bars stolen from 1746 shipwreck returned to France from the US after decades-long investigation

By Geneva Sands, CNN The United States returned several stolen artifacts to France on Wednesday, including five gold bars from a 1746 shipwreck after a decades-long investigation led US federal agents to seize the items from an online auction in California. Seven artifacts were transferred from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations to

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exas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar and progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros will advance to a May runoff after a neck-and-neck primary race that saw both finish below the 50% threshold necessary to secure the nomination outright.

Cuellar and Cisneros will advance to runoff in Texas’ 28th Congressional District, CNN projects

By Eric Bradner and Rachel Janfaza, CNN Texas Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar and progressive challenger Jessica Cisneros will advance to a May runoff after a neck-and-neck primary race that saw both finish below the 50% threshold necessary to secure the nomination outright, CNN projected Wednesday. Cuellar is the most conservative Democrat in the US House

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Comandante en jefe del Ejército de Chile renuncia en medio de investigación por supuesto fraude

Sol Amaya (CNN Español) — Este miércoles, el comandante en jefe del Ejército de Chile, general Ricardo Martínez, renunció a su cargo un día antes de concurrir a declarar en calidad de “inculpado” en las investigaciones que lleva a cabo la ministra en visita, Romy Rutherford, por supuesto fraude y malversación de caudales públicos en

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A nationwide group of state attorneys general announced an investigation into TikTok's impact on young Americans Tuesday

Group of attorneys general announce investigation into TikTok’s impact on young Americans

By Brian Fung, CNN Business A nationwide group of state attorneys general announced an investigation into TikTok’s impact on young Americans Tuesday, adding to the steady drumbeat of political pressure being applied to social media platforms. The probe zeroes in on TikTok’s user engagement techniques and alleged risks that the platform may pose to the

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Joshua James pleaded guilty to obstruction of an official proceeding and agreed to cooperate with the Justice Department.

Oath Keeper pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy and will cooperate with Justice Department

By Holmes Lybrand, Hannah Rabinowitz and Katelyn Polantz, CNN An Oath Keeper who served as private security for right-wing figures around January 6 pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy and is cooperating with the Justice Department, becoming the first person charged with seditious conspiracy related to the attack to strike a plea deal. Joshua James, who

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